Sunday, May 30, 2004
baD daE
liSteNin tO: Evonne Hsu - 7 Yue 7 Ri Qing
waSnt haPpie iniTialliE aT e sTarT oF mY daE.. buT iN e laTe aFteRnoOn.. aFter i toLd mY muM abT e sTufF daT maDe mE sO guiLty anD sTufFs anD i kAi xiN bU qI laI.. deN shE uNdeRstanD loR.. den neVa compLain le.. buT duNno y.. i feLt muCh beTta afTer telliN heR.. *gRiNz*
diDnt dO muCh todaE.. waS waiTin foR mY siS tO dabaO diNner foR mE oN heR waY homE =D shE dabaO-eD fRieD kWay tiaO foR mE.. hEez.. cOz i lazy tO waLk dowN tO buY.. hahAa.. *shEepiSh sMiLe*
daCia aSked mE tO pEi heR watCh shReK 2.. yEa!! hEee.. soOoOOoo loNg neVa sEe heR lE.. anD i waS aLwaEs busY wheN sHe aSked mE ouT.. hoPefulliE notHin gOeS wRonG aT e laSt miNutE yA..? hEe.. gonNa haBe a loNg chaT wiF heR.. havEnt sEen heR foR aGeS.. anD sO gLad daT wE're sTill in conTaCt aFter noEin eaCh otheR sinCe 5 oR 6.. =D
somEoNe aSkeD mE tO gO foreSt togeTher tO sEe fiRefLy wheN i inSisteD hiM tO catCh anoTher foR me.. -_- anD i saE dowaN la.. sCarLy hE thRow mE aLonE iNsidE theRe.. anD gueSs waD hE repLieD?? hE saiD.. "i noT sO baD onE.. aT mosT tEll u ghOst sToriEs onLie loR.." -_-
somEoNe aSked mE tO watCh trOy.. shLd i gO..? oR shLd i nOT..? *hmMmMmm.....*
11:10 PM
Saturday, May 29, 2004
liSteNin tO: Jolin - Dao Dai
reaChed e oFfiCe earLy.. but weNt oFf laTe.. :/ AND i diDnt geT tO eaT mY lunCh Till 4pM++!! aRgh!! anD itz sO qiaO daT i sAw eaMes aT tiOng baHru theRe.. =D hHAhaa.. anD wheN hE noeS daT i havEnt taKen mY lunCh.. hE sTraighTawaY bRing mE tO oLd chaNg kEe deN tReaT mE tO somE foOd.. hHAHaa.. sO cutE oF hiM.. >.< i chosE 2 liaO hE saE noT enuFf.. -_- hAHaa.. k lA.. deN aFter daT hE sEnD mE tO e mRt liaO beFore leaVin tO meEt hiS fRenz..
tOok a tRain anD waiTed aT jE foR sAnsaN anD shE's sO laTe.. =X nEarLy doZed oFf leH.. buT anywaE.. mEet heR lE deN gO jP togEther.. suDdenLy wanNa eaT lOng joHn siLver.. =D anD i oRdeRed a fiSh & chiPs.. noT baD thouGh.. buT e waFfLes fRies.. hAi haO loE.. waLked aRouNd anD i thiNk wE spEnt mosT oF ouR timE aT toyS'r'uS.. lOlx.. deN likE kiDs likE daT.. deN i duN rEalliE wanNa sEe niNja tuRtLes dE toyS duE tO somE reaSons.. BUT i piaN piAn sEe thosE.. -_- iN e paSt i likE it alOt dE.. buT nOw.. naHssss
aFter daT pEi sAnsaN go meEt qiUyi tO paSs heR e timEshEet(mosT oF u dunNo dE..).. anD shE's wiF heR teO loe.. botH loOk sO xiNg fU likE daT.. makEs mE sO xiaN mU!!! chaTted awhiLe beFore takin tRain baCk homE.. anD deN heRe i aM!! bLoggiN aWay..
oH ya.. u noE hor.. e fiRefLy bOi(yoNgxianG) caTch foR mE hoR.. diEd lE!!! oN fRidaE aFteRnoOn!! aRghs!! thOugh i noE iTz bCoz fiRefLy's liFe spaN iS shoRt.. buT i kEep cLaiM daT he'S e muRdEreR!! hAhaha.. deN kEep bLamE hiM.. anD hE's kTv-iNg nOw.. =( deN diE diE duN wanNa sinG foR mE.. aRgh.. anoTher guY whO duN siNg tO geRs..
i wanNa watCh moviE.. theRe's jUz tOo many!! yoU tAi duO tAi duO lE!! aHhHHhhhh!! theRe's shRek 2.. vaN heLsing(thiNk onLie caN buY vCd liaO.. cOz iTz beEn ouT fOr so lonG).. eRr.. daY aFter toMorRow.. anD.. haRry poTter 3 whiCh iS goNna ouT oN 5tH oF junE!! aRghz!! anD sEems likE mosT oF mY fRenz habE watChed iT le.. sO i'vE onLie goT 2 choiCes.. eitHer watCh aLone.. oR buY vCd.. siGhx
updaTes oN shaUn.. jUz callEd hiM noT loNg tO hiS waRd.. fEeL beTta daT hE's fEeLin beTta le.. siGhx.. iTz all mY fauLt.. shLdnT habE chaTteD wiF hiM oN e fonE.. iF wE haDnt chaT oN fonE.. hE migHt noT habE goTten intO daT aCcideNt.. anD hE wouLdnt geT knoCked oN hiS heaD.. anD deN iNjuRe hiS aRm foR e 3rD timE!! anD wouldnt habE sCraTches oN hiS leGs anD kNeEs theRe.. aRgh!! i'M e onE tO bLame.. iTz all mY fauLt.. soRrie.. anD.. u'rE alwaEs theRe foR me wheN i neEded u.. BUT.. i'M noT theRe wheN u nEedeD mE moSt!!! aM i rEalliE daT baD? maYbe i'M noT a niCe anD goOd girL aFter aLL..
anD nOw.. i cauSed 2 oF mY fRenz tO eRr.. onE oF eM angRy wiF e otheR?? hAizz.. iF i haDnt aSked heR ouT tO pEi mE eaT lunCh.. shE wouLdnt bE anGry wiF hiM lE.. siGhz.. y aM i aLwaEs e causE oF iT..? aND.. iF i haD sTopPed e 2 oF eM froM bEing tOo cLosE iN e paSt.. thiNgs nOw miGht bE diFfereNt.. e sCenaRioS will bE diFferEnt tOo.. anD shE wouLdn'T habE becoMe siNgLe aGain anD todaE's sCeNariO miGht be diFfeRent toO.. i'M e causE oF eVrythiNg
9:57 PM
buSy bUsy Busy
lISteNin tO: Energy - Duo Ai Wo Yi Tian
waS baSicallY buSy e whoLe daE.. all e waY froM 9.30aM tO 7pM.. eVen woRked haLf hR OT.. =\ gonNa worK haLfdaE tmL.. anD proB gO juRong PoinT waLk aRouNd mYseLf.. oR mayBe tionG baHru pLaza(yuCks!)..? loOks likE.. i'vE lOng foRgoTteN e feeLin oF waLkin aLl aLonE iN a shoPping mAll lE.. nAn dE saT caN worK oFf daE.. anD i'M all aLonE aGain.. siGhx... waNted tO aSk somEoNe ouT.. buT heR daE's oCcupiEd wiF aCtiviTieS liaO anD i guesS doeSnt nEed mY companY le.. sOo... hoPe shE enJoys heR daE tmL~ *wiNks*
kinDa woRrie foR shaUn alsO.. siGhx.. paSt fEw daEs jUz huRt hiS iNjurEd aRm aGain.. anD nOw hE goT intO aN aCcideNt.. =( unpLeaSant thiNgs sEem tO bE haPpeNin tO hiM.. anD i'M daRn woRriEd nOw.. hE kEep cLaim hE noT fEeLin pAin oR waDevA.. buT siGhx.. fEeL daT hE's onlie tRyin tO mAke mE noT sO woRry.. hOw i wiSh i'M riCh anD i'll fLy oveR riGht awaY! siGhz... shauN.. i'll geT a hU shEn fU foR u k... =) geT wEll soOn! anD i noE daT bY bEing iN a hoSpitaL will boRe u tO deaTh.. eHh.. cAll mE wheN u fReE loR.. thiNk OF mE aH.. u canT leaVe sO eaRliE.. habE tO eHh.. notHin la.. HAhhaa.. jUz craPpin =P
i'M jUz a noBodY iN eVryonE's eyEs.. anD lonEr.. whoM nO onEs undeRsTanDs hOw shE fEeLs dEep dowN insidE...
jUz somEoNe whoM nO onE thiNks oF wheNever theRe's anY aCtiviTy?? aiYa.. notHin lA.. jUz craPpin foR diS laSt seNtenCe..
1:08 AM
Thursday, May 27, 2004
enJoyed myseLf anD deN goT mySelf.....
liSteNin tO: Ai Cheng - Xiang Ni De Tian Kong aGain..?! =X
i laO sAi 3 timeS sinCe i reAch homE liaO.. :/ leGs aRe gonNa bE woBbLy soOn.. aRghs!!
kK.. baCk tO yeSteraE.. hmM.. iTz e daE wheN wE caN noE wheTher wE caN geT pRomotEd anoTz.. anD yEa!! i goT pRomotEd.. aLL thaNx tO qiUyi anD saNsAn.. hEez.. cOz botH oF eM heLped mE tO cheCk whiLe i waS oN mY waY tO worK..
mEt sAnsaN aT aRd 10 aT maRsiLing beFore takiN caB dowN tO buKit baTok mrT theRe.. tO heNg's hsE.. and dunNo waD daT dRiveR doiN.. hE canT heaR sAnsaN tEllin hiM tO sToP aT henG's bLock.. anD shE toLd him 3 timeS!! -_- deN.. raPhaeL camE dowN to bRIng uS uP.. den cOz wE waLkin maH.. deN hE callEd.. =S deN souNd a biT bU shuanG la.. cOz gibE hiM miSsed cAll liaO aND hE camE dowN buT diDnt sEe uS.. =(
fiNalliE sAw hiM liaO deN gO heNg's hsE le.. aLvin, daRren, raPhaeL, cHun siaNg, piNg yaNG anD oF cOz heNg waS theRe liaO loR.. deN.. watChed e aMeriaN idoL.. deN wEishU camE.. =D aFter daT theY pLayeD unO anD dAi dEe.. i diDnt joiN in.. deN somEtimeS liE oN chuN sianG's shouLders loR.. =X hHhaa.. veRy tireD la.. canT heLp iT.. =S fiNalliE sLept wheN theY're watChin e lonG-aWaitEd soCcer matCh.. deN theY kEep shouT "GOAL!!" deN i wakE uP liaO.. -_- kEep wakiN uP qUite a fEw timEs la.. caN fEeL goT somEoNe kEep diSturB mE alsO.. buT i rEalliE tOo tireD liaO.. sO heCk caRe lor... but k lA.. rEallie aPpreCiatE thosE whO noE i haBe worK deN tRy noT tO diSturB mE la.. thaNx uH~ =)
from waD i caN rEmembeR iS.. evrYone leFt foR bReakfaSt befoRe goiN homE xcePt mE, sAnsaN anD rapHael.. deN.. wheN mY aLaRm ranG.. sAnsaN paSseD mY hP tO keNnetH anD deN tO raphaeL anD deN fiNalliE me.. hAHha.. kE aI hoR..? =X anD deN weNt tO baThe anD sTaRted waKin uP daT tuRtLe(raphaeL) liaO.. haD a harD timE waKin hiM uP.. anD e rooM's sO coLd.. i shE bU dE takE oFf e jaCkeT.. =X
fiNallie tuRtLe wakE uP liaO deN hE pEi mE takE tRain tO tiOng baHru la.. diDnt toK muCh oN e tRain thouGh.. noT morE deN 10 seNtenCe.. yaRr.. deN.. bougHt a breaD.. toOk a buS.. anD i waS laTe a biT.. =X luCky boSs noT theRe.. AhHAa! worKed till 6pm+ deN i leaVe liaO lor.. deN kEep laO saI.. =S woNder waD diD i aTe todaE....
goT mY gRadeS todaE.. waSnt daT haPpiE wiF iT.. COz somE iS undeR xpeCtatiOn anD somE iN aboVe xpeCtatiOn.. siGhx.. duN wannA saE liaO.. anD oh yA.. e happiE thiNg iS.. yoNg xiaNg cauGht a fiRefLy foR me!! hEe.. buT.. siGhx.. froM waD i noE iS.. aFter e fiRefLy lighTs uP deN iT will diE e neXt daE liaO.. so iT coNfirM canT makE iT tO diS coMin saT dE.. anD deN.. hE dunNo waD iT eaTs.. sO hE thRow anTs anD gRaSs insidE sEe waD iT eaTs.. wheTher iTz vegGieS oR meaT.. LOLs!! siaO si wO lE!!
10:39 PM
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
reSuLts ouT soOn
lISteNin tO: Blue & Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
reSulTs ouT soOn.. tmL 8.30aM i thiNk =S jUz wheN i'M oN mY waY tO worK.. :S aRgh!! haTe iT.. buT aT e samE timE.. duN fEeL likE noEiN mY reSuLts.. siGhx.. hoPefulliE i duN nEed takE suPp paPer caN lE.. haVin mixEd emoTionS nOw..
11:47 PM
liSteNin tO: Anastacia - Left Outside Alone
mY shoEs' sTrap dRoPped oFf oN mY waY tO e oFfice anD iTz jUz a roaD aWay!! aRghs! cAlled mY muM anD sMs-eD shaUn.. =D hHAhaa.. anD deN.. i'M laTe.. =X cOz i waS dRagGin mY fEet laaaa... deN likE mY leG oNe loNg onE shoRt likE daT :S sO naN kaN.. gOodneSss!!
fiNisheD onE whoLe piLe oF worK witHin a daE! ainT i gReaT? aLmosT haD nO timE foR lunCh.. hHAha.. anD i'M S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G.. weNt tO tiOng baHru pLaza tO waLk waLk pLus lOokin foR a nEw paiR oF shOes.. sAw qUite a fEw paiRs i likE.. thoUgh iTz cheaP la.. buT iF i buY all.. mY muMmy will bE sCreaMin aWay liaO.. hAizzz
daT's all foR todaE la.. nO moOoOOoOood to bLog laaaaaaaaaaaa...
xXx waDeVa u sEe anD heaR maY noT bE waD iT sEeMs xXx
10:57 PM
Monday, May 24, 2004
aM i suPposEd tO...?
liSteNin tO: Ai Cheng - Xiang Ni De Tian Kong
yea.. liStenin tO diS soNg agaiN.. luRvE iT abSoluTeLy!!
so manY thiNgS havE beEn haPpeNin aRouNd mE.. waD shLd i dO?? fiRst iS loY.. seCoNd iS yI.. anD thiRd nOw iS sAnsaN.. waD aM i suPposEd tO dO..???!!?!! caN somEoNe pLeaSe tEll mE???? sEems likE eVryoNe's suFfeRin.. anD daT iNcluDeS mE!!! shUi lAi jiU jIu wO aHhHhH~~
thoUgh bY worKin i caN foRget somE sTufFs foR e timE bEing.. buT.. i canT deNy daT i caN foRget somE sTuFfs aT nitE.. i'M mosT fRagiLe aT nitE.. caN somEoNe jUz comE anD saVe mY lifE?!?! mY lifE's tErRibLe tO e cOre!! fEeL likE.. eRm... =X
somE thiNgs aRe beTta noT saiD..
11:54 PM
liSteNin tO: Ai Cheng - Xiang Ni De Tian Kong
laSt nitE waS chaTtin oN fonE wiF yoNg xianG.. anD braNdon laTer on.. yaRr.. hmM.. daT braNdon hoR.. hAHha.. damN laMe.. hE goT all hiS laMeneSs froM paTriCk.. all his jokeS anD qiaN biAn wEn Da ti.. damN laMe.. madE mE froM cRyiN tO luFfiN likE siaO.. hAHhaa.. hE's anoTher onE whO caN rEallie cHeEr mE uP =D hE realliE haS hiS owN wayS in cheErinG ppL uP anD treAtin hiS geRfreNz la.. hE toLd mE laSt nitE.. hAhhaa.. deN suDdenLy feEL daT thosE fuTure gFs oF hiS / wifE will bE damN xiNg fU lor..
goT a call todaE froM e boSs daT i'M tRansFeRred tO e oFfiCe tOdaE.. anD i habE tO takE tRain tO tioNg baHru.. anD chaNge buS to gEt theRe.. anD deN habE tO takE oveRheaD bRidgE tO geT tO daT buiLding.. suCH a LONG jouRney.. anD waD's neXt..
reaCh theRe liaO shE call deN tEll riCky e dRiveR tO dRivE mE tO OUB ceNter cOz shaMini siCk.. -____- deN nO onE heLping ivY.. anD thuS i went THErE.. THAnK goOdneSs noT muCh humaN tRafFic.. moSt oF e timE i waS siTtin anD doiN aDmin worK la.. deN daT ivY daMn cutE loR.. hAhhaa.. rEallie caN toK tO heR likE a fRen.. shE eveN intRo mE tO go goLdeN shoE caRpaRk theRe dabaO.. cOz e foOd's cheaP anD eaT liaO fuLL fUll dE.. anD hoR!! yummIe!! hAhaha
went OfF At 7.30pM.. toOk a tRain homE cOz nO onE's feTchiNg mE.. *cRieSsSs!!* tmL gonNa worK.. hAizz.. wheN iS mY oFf daE??? I WANT MY OFF DAY!!!
10:46 PM
feLt likE a foOl foR somE reaSon.. qUit pLayin wiF mY heaRt.. qUit pLayin wiF mY liFe.. iT's suFfeRiN mE.. i'M liVin iN TORTURE!!
12:59 AM
if wheneveR u feel lost,
don't be.
FoR theRe is always this angeL
who'll be watChing oVeR u.
U may not know she's theRe,
She doesnt caRe whetheR u know she's theRe,
She's just silently watching oveR u,
Helping u and guiding u wheneveR u'Re at ur lowest.
Anastacia - Left Outside Alone
All my life I've been waiting
For you to bring a fairy tale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
It's not okay I don't feel safe
Left broken empty in despair
Wanna breath can't find air
Thought you were sent from up above
But you and me never had love
So much more I have to say
Help me find a way
And I wonder if you know
How it really feels
To be left outside alone
When it's cold out here
Well maybe you should know
Just how it feels
To be left outside alone
To be left outside alone
All my life I've been waiting
For you to bring a fairytale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
It's not okay I don't feel safe
I need to pray
Why do you play me like a game?
Always someone else to blame
Careless, helpless little man
Someday you might understand
There's not much more to say
But I hope you find a way
Still I wonder if you know
How it really feels
To be left outside alone
When it's cold out here
Well maybe you should know
Just how it feels
To be left outside alone
To be left outside alone
All my life I've been waiting
For you to bring a fairytale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
It's not okay I don't feel safe
I need to pray
And I wonder if you know
How it really feels
To be left outside alone
When it's cold out here
Well maybe you should know
Just how it feels
To be left outside alone
To be left outside alone
All my life I've been waiting
For you to bring a fairytale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
It's not okay I don't feel safe
I need to pray
fEeLin a biT likE diS.. sinCe a fEw daEs aGo.. dunNo waD's wroNg wiF me...
12:06 AM
Sunday, May 23, 2004
siaN aH!!
liSteNin tO: Shin - Tian Liang Yi Hou Shuo Fen Shou
somEone dRove mE tO jaLan kaYu tO haBe mY breAkfaSt beFore dRivinG mE tO worK.. heEe.. eveN dRove to 7-11 jUz tO heLp mE buY pLaSter.. thaNx aH~~ heEe.. yeSterdaE's saLes turNed ouT noT baD aFter all! sTill oN tRaCk.. maDe 3000++ buCks.. hEe.. hoPefulliE todaE alsO caN la~
supposEd to meEt yoNg xianG aFter woRk.. buT aFter daT.. toLd hiM duN coMe le.. cOz.. hE pLayin maHjonG wiF faMiliE.. deN i tEll hiM iF wiN dEN wE 50-50.. iF noT deN hE 70 i 30.. hHAha.. u unDerstaNd?? =X
k lA.. hE saE hE'll makE iT uP foR mE loR.. fiNd onE daE feTch mE homE.. huR hUr.. dEn pLus hE sO cutE loR.. saE oN weDneSdaE hiS faMiliE gO chiNa hoLidaEs liaO.. dEn tEll mE gO coOk foR hiM.. >.< lOlx.. deN saE waD.. otheR daEs gO hiS hsE coOk alsO.. hAHhaa.. deN i xchaNge coNditiOns la.. deN.. aiYa.. thiNk wE pLay pLay onLie la hoR... chaTted abT a loT oF stuFfs la.. deN i kEep compLain i nO monEy.. haHhaa.. anD hE saE.. hAhha.. duN wanNa saE hiS anSweR la~ daT's all foR todaE.. goTta worK earLie tmL~ sOoo.. sLpiN earLie~~~~
11:30 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2004
mY oFf daE's oN coMin tuEsdaE.. anD i'M thiNkin wheRe shLd i speNd mY daE daT daE.. saNsaN's goiN heNg's shE wiF e guYs anD mayBe sTay ovEr aT hiS hsE.. hmM.. shLd i gO.. oR shLd i noT..? iF i gO.. aM i diSturBin 'eM..? oR sTopPin 'eM froM doiN anythiNg fuRtheRmoRe sO daT eRr.. nEva miNd.. u wuN undErstaNd..
anD waD iF hE wenT tOo..? hOw aM i suPposEd tO faCe hiM..? will wE sTaRt toKin again??
11:43 PM
liSteNin tO: You Ke Li Lin - Ren Cuo
baCkie froM worK.. anD nOw fUll fUll.. hEe.. cOz mY loVin siS daBao foR mE chaO kWaY tiaO.. =) haD a siaN daE aT worK.. anD oH ya..!! caNt beLieve iT daT paT anD maRgaRet sTill canT reMembeR mY naMe!! anD kEep calliN mE "xiaOmEi".. hAHhaa.. aNywHere i worK.. suRe goT ppL call mE xiaOmEi -_-
reMembeR e guY i meNtiOned yeSterdaE daT i meT? i sAw hiM todaE aGain!! haha.. whiCh iS oN mY way tO e tOiLet somEmoRe.. chaTted wiF hiM foR fEw miNuteS.. buT e saD thiNg iS.. i sTill dunNo hiS naMe.. cOz hE sO huMorouS.. kEep makE mE luFf till i keEp luFfin anD luFfiN e whoLe coNveRsaTioN thRu.. deN i foRgoT tO aSK.. :
bRandon anD jiMMy camE tO orChaRd todaE.. sO i aSk 'eM pEi mE eaT lunCh + diNner.. huR hUr.. theY camE onCe beFore mY BReak tiMe.. deN daT maRgaRet thOuGhT hE's mY whO.. goOdneSs!! canNot bE la... hahaAa!! theY waLk tO pS beFore comiN tO meEt mE.. hEe.. cAlleD bRandoN wheN iTz timE.. anD hE suDdenly aPpeaR beHiNd mE.. likE waNna sCare mE likE daT.. -_-
deCideD tO haBe mY meaL aT yoShinoYa.. sO i fOllOweD 'eM tO ciNeLeisuRe loE.. deN iTz fUll!! goOdneSs!! deN wE waiT anD waiT.. jiMmy eVen suGgeSted daT wE waLk tO taKa dE yoShinoYa.. cOz i onLie haBe 1 hR.. canT coNtinuE waiTing.. lOlx.. buT daT braNdon tOo tiRed liaO.. hahAha! aT diS tiMe sO luCky goT seaTs.. deN aFteR sEttLing dowN wE aSk bRandoN tO buY.. hEee.. deN cOz i xI guaN dRinK yoShinoYa dE peaCh tEa w/O icE maHz.. deN theY kEep teaSe mE loE.. *saD* =( deN daT bRandoN.. aRgh!! hE eaT mY beEf!! hAhhaa.. k loR.. somE iS i fEed hiM dE.. somE iS hE takE iT hiMseLf.. deN hE'S mY duStbiN.. cOz all e oNioNs all thRow giBe hiM eaT.. hAhaha!! =D i noE i'M baD la.. whO aSk hiM alwaEs tReaT mE baD baD.. humPh!! aLwaEs wanNa sCare mE.. deN duN fEeL haPpie jiU call mE anD coMpLain.. -____-
aFter eaTin.. sLaCked abiT deN gO baCk worK le.. anD hoR.. botH oF 'eM keEp coRrupTing mE!! aRgh!! wO dE xiaO xiaO chuN jiE dE sHi jiE iS goNna dEstRoy bY 'eM liaO la.. hAizz
oN mY waY homE.. sAw hUixiaN anD liliaN.. toOk trAin wiF eM.. yEa.. daT's abT it lA~
huR hUr.. tmL yoNgxiaNg mayBe gO fEtcH mE froM worK woR.. hEee.. iF hE rEalliE diD.. i fEeL sO xiNg fU neH~ cOz.. hAHhaa.. fiRsst fEw daEs oF worK deN goT ppL feTch mE homE.. =P anD ya.. iRene's goiN orCharD tmL anD shE's dRoPpiN bY tmL~ wHHhhheEeeEe~
11:00 PM
Friday, May 21, 2004
fiRst dae oF worK
You Ke Li Lin - Ren Cuo
woke up earlie den took a train to Somerset.. supposed to meet Summer.. but she was late.. so i habe to go up myself.. :\ BUT.. i dunno where to go.. called her up and she directed me e way.. reached storey 5.. and i was so paiseh lor.. coz i dunno wad to do after Summer told me and i was like a fool.. den got dis guy.. he came over and gang hao also xchangin for his promoter tag.. and he tok to me!! den i xia dao.. hahha.. quite good-lookin.. got e boiboi look.. shuai shuai de.. goOdneSs!! i'm getting "electrocuted"!! hahaa.. kk.. coz he has to report for work liao so he left first den i habe to do those stupid things la.. before evrything's settled..
met my colleagues.. first was Patricia.. den next came Margaret.. and den Summer lor.. and Shanini came late.. yarr.. den.. had lunch wif Alice from "In Style" and Summer lor.. ehh.. had it at Starhub Centre.. had my usual Hotplate Black Pepper Chicken.. hEe.. den shun bian dabao mixed veg for Margaret..
worked till 8.40 den finish work liao.. yong xiang was supposed to come fetch me after work.. but so suay his good buddy ORD todae.. den they going Aljunied having dinner for celebration.. he asked me along too.. but i dowan.. =pPp so me and Margaret went to Giordano to buy another white tee for work.. gonna wear it tml~ and dat Margaret hor.. waLao.. buaY tahaN her.. keep want discount from e staffs there thought she dun even noe em.. -____- make me so paiseh.. in e end i had to call Irene and ask for her staff code before i can get e discount for her.. wad e heck man!! and before i leave e guy cashier sort of whisper to me tell me on my birthdae go giordano buy clothes so dat i can get a 20% off.. wahahaa.. he didnt tell Margaret nor e customer before her.. lOlx.. am i lucky or wad?
travelled on MRT alone todae again.. and thoughts keep flowin in...................
11:32 PM
Thursday, May 20, 2004
my cLaSs chaLet wiF somE oF 04 guYs
liSteNin tO: David Tao - Liu Sha
here i am after a loooong slp.. dis entry might be long and boring to some of u.. but.. hmm.. dis entry is for me to u noe.. keep as memory.. =pPp
went to meet qiuyi and sansan at clementi mrt station at 4.45pm as i had to help out at dad's place last minute.. took train to paya lebar and alighted there as qiuyi was chosen for e promotin e chewing gum and have to wear in white on wednesdae for e dunno wad.. den we walked to this fashion to buy her white skirt lor.. coz u cant xpect her to go home juz to get her white skirt before going for e briefing or wadsoever..
buy liao den take train to bedok to meet irene and itz so qiao dat irene's on e same train as well.. so we waited for e shuttle bus together.. reach coasta sands resort(east coast) liao den we walk to E9.. saw e rest of em there liao..
slacked there for not long den we, the gers whose going clubbin, started changin in the room upstairs.. hahaa.. some of em even changed their bras there!! hahaa.. after dat we started making up and all those lor.. and i didnt wear my specs.. coz if i wear hor.. e whole image spoil liao.. hey.. didnt noe i look not bad when i''m having make up on w/o specs.. lOlx.. kekee..
took some fotos before leaving to take e shuttle bus to bedok and den mrt to raffles place to meet raphael.. he reached not long after we reach.. den we saw heng behind him.. and raphael bluffed us by saeing dat heng's sick and not comin.. -_-
got out of e station from e wrong exit and hahhaa.. we had to walk back and den brandon and irene lead us the way.. finallie got to MAC and den irene, qiuyi, sansan and me had our long-awaited dinner lor.. and each of us have a cup of plain water too~ after dat.. we walk to those clubs lor.. den those ppl keep "pull" us to their clubs as we walked past.. yikes! hate those ppl..
after walkin e whole stretch and we decided on going into limehouse(i think).. e atmosphere.. err.. dun reallie like la.. coz they got e dry ice ah.. den look smoky kind lor.. den i dun like.. den brandon keep psycho me go dance floor.. lol.. i havent even high den want go dance.. i cant dance..
after finishin e 3 jugs of alcohol.. we paid liao den went to e one beside it.. formerly called "friend's place" but changed to "BOMB" now.. hahha.. ordered 6 jugs in total.. not order all at once de.. and den.. e music here is MUCH more betta.. hmm.. irene and weiting start to dance first.. den brandon.. and den weishu come liao.. he's e "special guest" lor.. den hor.. once he come liao den dance le.. and somemore is dance till so PRO!! haha.. his bones like all so soft lidat.. can niu here and niu there.. =p and den.. teo came very late.. but he dance also not bad.. quite PRO also.. ahhhh....!! all so lihai.. den i dun dare go dance.. =X den even sansan and qiuyi also dance liao.. but me.. =X k la.. danced for a little lor.. but worst is heng.. coz he didnt dance a single bit.. but ate so much titbits even though he claimed dat he got sore throat -_-
and hor.. qiuyi and teo like so en ai like dat.. hahha.. evryone present noes wad i'm referin ya..? hee..
while irene's dancin.. got 2 ang mohs came in.. den e 2 of em keep see irene leh!! hahaha.. irene de mei li wu fa dang ah!! den i keep lie on sansan's shoulder.. haha.. coz i soooOoOOoo tired.. den so qiao raphael was beside me.. and she juz push my head to his shoulder.. make me so paiseh.. -_- but after dat she xplained la.. den i was like.. aiya.. wasted.. hahha.. coz lie liao so comfortable.. =X
left dat place and we were thinking whether we shld continue clubbin.. in e end decided to go to e 24hrs coffeeshop nearby.. sansan.. qiuyi and me went to nearby de 7-11 buy sandwich and a cup of teh tarik coz i sorta gastric.. and i even chewed a gastric pill liao but it juz doesnt work.. =S e rest of em either eat or drink lor.. den weishu eat a lot! haha.. den brandon bought a plate of carrot cake mah.. den me and sansan wanna eat.. so we tell him la.. den he feed us leh! hahaha..
after finishin evrything.. we took a cab back lor.. heng.. raphael and weishu came along wif us.. 3 of em share a cab.. teo.. qiuyi.. irene and weiting share a cab.. and lastly brandon.. me and sansan share a cab.. we were e first to leave.. and first to reach.. hahah!! den dat brandon hor.. keep scare me.. idiot!! argh!! letting him noe wad i'm scared of is a BIG mistake!!!
went back to chalet to change before meetin teo.. qiuyi.. weishu.. heng and raphael at e rockies there wif sansan and trewin.. raphael came to fetch us outside e resort.. walked there and i sat beside raphael lor.. den qiuyi and teo like so tian mi mi like dat.. after dat raphael left to fetch irene and weiting here also.. den onlie weiting sit wif us.. irene and raphael went to other place to sit lor.. for wad reason i dunno...
when my gastric i cant take it liao.. sansan pei me walk all e way to 7-11 to buy gastric pills which made me quite touched la.. but i eat e pill liao also no use!! haizz.. den hor.. see heng and sansan like so romantic like dat leh.. sit on e sand there see e stars.. hahha.. den i dun dare disturb.. den i neva go tok wif em.. instead i sit alone lor.. but after weishu tok wif em.. den i also go disturb liao.. =X dat sansan so bian tai!! she keep want to pluck e guys' leg hair.. haha.. she target on kelvin and weishu.. lol.. stayed by e beach till morning 7am++ before going back to e chalet..
went to bathe while e guys rode e bicycles henche they all rent e nite before to MAC to pack breakfast for us.. =pPp had breakfast liao den finallie at 9aM like dat.. brandon go wake henche and wenjie up!! wOohOoO!! so happie.. coz i finallie got place can slp le.. so.. i went up to slp liao lor.. hee.. but.. e bad thing is.. i keep wake up at 1 hr interval.. and keep feel dat i slp for very long le.. and somemore so hot!! aHhHhhhh!! den i keep sae "who can jiu jiu wo ahhhhhhh.." hahhaa.. den qiuyi keep laugh.. =X
finallie at 1pm++.. cannot take it liao.. den ask yongxiang call me lor.. chatted wif him for a while before he sae he wanna go slp again... -_- den shaun called also.. den aiya.. dun wanna sae liao.. humph! went back to slp till abt 4pm++.. heehee.. den nora help us buy cup noodles while i infra kelvin's ringtones to my SL55.. =X
enjoyed e noodles liao den irene, weiting, sansan and me go take pics liao!! hee.. took quite a number.. guess i'll upload it when i get it.. =D had BBQ later.. and i helped out too!! 1st time in my life neh~ =p ate not much also la.. hahhaa.. den quite late den heng and alvin and raphael reach.. they bought so many taiwan sausage.. den i eat a bit also.. =X hee.. they wun mind de la.. den heng do most of e BBQ mahz.. den he like.. sweating all over.. hahhaa.. =X and den.. e ppl beside our chalet hor.. gibe us some of their BBQ food before they check out u noe!! got beef steak and lamb chop and satays and fishballs.. wah!! so nice leh.. e beef steak.. den e satay also not bad.. =)
after eating liao den me and sansan go to e beach there and sit down la.. den hmm.. summer.. heng and alvin were playing wif e water and sansan went to join em lor.. so their hps and stuffs all wif me.. den after leave.. something happened between qiuyi and teo la.. den i pei her go find him.. found him.. and i left.. but she came back not long saeing dat he neva tok to her.. chatted awhile before me and her go to e sand there find sansan.. told her some of our thoughts abt her prob before goin back to chalet help her take water.. come back liao den she stay there while i sit at e table.. suddenly feel dat.. e probs dat i've been keeping in my heart.. i cant take it anymore.. and i cried la.. thanK goodness no one was there la..
den wad i noe is raphael pei qiuyi go find teo.. found him after so long of searchin.. but he still didnt tok much to her.. and thus.. she ran back to e chalet.. -_- hmm.. went back to chalet to ask her pei me go 7-11.. coz kenneth and alvin was sitting beside sansan mahz.. dun wanna disturb em chatting.. =) e indecisive me make qiuyi walk to and fro wif me.. hahahaa.. den on e way saw raphael and summer.. so qiuyi dragged em to pei us~ on e way back.. saw teo walkin alone.. so we asked raphael to go tok to teo loe.. den e 3 of us walk back to chalet.. in fact.. me stay wif sansan they all while summer and qiuyi went back to chalet.. but soon after i went to sit alone.. coz.. i cant control my feelings la.. dun wanna show dat i'm actuallie.. hmmm.. crying.. so.. in total.. i've been cryin e whole nite w/o anyone noeing..
not long they also left le.. sms-ed raphael.. but he neva reply.. coz he didnt bring his hp out.. =S so i walked alone.. called qiuyi in e end.. chatted awhile before raphael pei her go take cab.. den i went to bathe.. den when i see kel they all wake up liao.. i so happie!! den go slp awhile before brandon wake me up.. and sansan is so diff to wake up!! shouted at her before she wakes.. -_- hahah.. ke lian de brandon.. tried so many ways to wake her up..
took train home.. reach JE liao den i cant take it.. lie on brandon's shoulder while waiting for e train to reach.. hee.. not bad la.. lucky he dun mind.. den on e train.. gang qiao he sit beside me.. den i lie again till bukit batok lor.. lolz!! so comfortable.. =X
reach home bathe liao den slp le..
8:26 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
liSteNin tO: Nothing
mEt jaMie aT 3pM++ aT cwP.. waLked arOUnd deN bouGht somE sTufFs la.. hAHha.. anD eveN reMindEd mY muM tO pRepaRe somE moNey foR me tO speNd aT chaLet =D hEex..
goiN tO chaLet tmL aT eaSt coaSt dE.. anD goiN cLubBin oN e fiRst nitE.. wOohOo!! hAHhaa.. k lA.. i gO watCh tV lE.. wuN bE bLogGin foR e neXt fEw daEs.. duN miSs mE woR~ buT i thiNk.. u guyS will miSs mE dE.. lOlx!! kekEe..
12:37 AM
Monday, May 17, 2004
WhO dO yOu lOvE
wHo dO yOu nEeD
yOu'Re mEsSiNg uP mY liFe
yOu'Re wAsTiNg aLL mY tiMe
WhO dO yOu LoVe
WhAt dO yoU fEeL
QuIt pLaYiNg WiTh My HeArT
yOu'Re TeArIng mE aPaRt
haha.. sound sad huh...?
12:22 PM
listenin to: David Tao - Yue Liang Dai Biao Shui De Xin
feel i'm juz
SO USELESS.. HOPELESS too.. sighx.. and sorta back to e old zhi bao zhi qi de me.. wad to do...
11:14 AM
liSteNin tO: Huang YiDa - Xian Wei Jing Xia De Ai Qing
currently thinkin of being a single my
WHOLE LIFE.. hEe.. dunno am i up to it anotzz.. guys are juz so troublesome.. dunno wad they think also.. dun understand 'em.. and i dun wanna understand 'em.. yikEs!! *pukEs*
heard from one of my close fren dat she's attached!! hee.. happie for her.. glad dat she and him together now.. xpected it anywae~ =p hahaa.. wish em can keep their relationship long long wor.. u habe my blessings!! =)
no mood now.. so i guess.. i'll stop bloggin le..
3:06 AM
Sunday, May 16, 2004
haD mEetin e whoLe daE.. -____-"
liSteNiN tO: Glen Medeiros - Nothin's Gonna Change My Love For You
haD meEtin e whoLe daE.. i waS onLie a biT laTe.. meT pEiLe oN e train.. hHAhaa.. sO qiaO.. yaR.. deN mR leE waS theRe lE.. =X bUT havEnt staRt meEtin la.. deN sTeveN laTe loR.. -____-" foReva e samE.. =X
aFter 1sT paRt oF e meEtin.. weNt tO fC3 tO habE ouR lunCh.. HAHhaa.. fiRst timE eaTin wiF 'eM.. e fEeLinz sOoOoOooo diFf.. deN daT sTeveN kEep paRrot taLk mE aGain.. aRgh!! anD maRleEn keEp paRrot taLk alsO!! deN somEmorE kEep saEin "u sO kE aI!!" doTz.. maKe mE waNNa peNg.. aFter daT deN gO baCk meEtin aGain.. aiYa.. e reSt sO siaN liaO.. duN wanNa saE.. bUT waD i waNNa saE iS.. i miGht bE swiTchiN oveR tO peRcuSsiOn liaO!! hAhha! hoPefulliE lA hoR? =X k la.. noT fEeLin wEll~ jA nEiz~
12:08 AM
Saturday, May 15, 2004
diDnt habE enuFf tiMe tO updaTe
liSteNin tO: Cyndi - Bao Zhe Ni Ku
hmM.. weNt tO juRoNg eaSt e aGenCy wiF sAnsan anD qiUyi tO fiNd joBs loe.. weNt tO 3 iN totaL.. fiRst waS kellY sErviceS.. deN.. goT onE joB intRo tO mE.. eRr.. pRomotE cHewiNg guM dE.. goT qUite a fEw fLavouRs.. $6/hR.. qUite goOd hoR? somEmoRe worKin timE nOt rEalliE loNg.. cOz goT LONG breAk iN beTweEn.. lOlz.. buT haBe tO gO foR iNteRviEw oN monDae.. sO.. wiSh mE luCk ya~
aFter daT.. quiTe laTe le.. sO infOrmeD heNg daT wE will bE laTe.. deN.. wE qUickLy eaT ouR lunCh lE deN takE tRain dowN tO ouTram anD deN waLk theRe.. wheN wE reaCh hoR.. sO qiaO meT chuN siaNg, aLvin aND daRren.. deN sAw hEng oUTsidE e k-bOx liaO.. wE beCome rEguLar cuStomeR liaO.. cOz theY caN reCogniSe uS.. hAhha! weNt tO k29 aT fiRst.. buT aFter daT tRansFer tO k1 aS soOn aS wE reaCh k29.. -____-" waLked tO k1 whiCh iS aT e otheR sidE.. aNd iTz a muCh
BIGGER roOm lor.. deN i oRdeRed hoOch bLaCkcuRranT tO dRink loH.. hEe..
pY camE.. raphaEl caMe.. anD deN teO caMe.. befoRe teO camE hoR.. qiuYi kEep wORry leH!! hAhha.. =X deN hoR.. e moMenT hE reaCh.. hE paSs heR hiS jaCkeT liaO.. *wEeeEe uUUuUuU wEeEEeEEeet* anD deN hoR.. theY aCt liKe coupLe liaO.. sEe liaO alsO caN guEsS loR.. buT shE iNsisT theRe's notHin beTweEn 'eM.. aLamaK.. sO oBviouS liaO loR.. -___-"
oH yA.. teO hoR.. !!!!! hE gO anD sTop mY faV soNg!!! aRgh!!! qI sI wO lE!! deN hE saE soRrie.. hAizz.. daMn saD leHx.. siNg till likE gonNa pErfeCt liaO.. deN hE gO sTop.. -___-!! k lA.. goT foRgivE hiM.. i nOT sO xiaO qI dE.. buT duN wanNa sHow iT ouT.. =D
deN.. weNt tO haBe suPper.. i haD yI meEe loR.. veRy full!! =D deN daT sAnsaN kEep diSturB.. aRgh!! duN wanNa saE iT heRe.. shE heRseLf noE waD shE haS doNe caN lE..
toOk e tRain homE.. deN all oF uS keEp teaSe teO anD qiUyi loR.. hAhha.. saE theY aRe ghosT.. wE canNot sEe eM.. deN i sO KEliaN.. iN beTwEen 'eM.. dunNo heLp whO.. hHAhaa.. buT mostLy heLp heNg theY all loR.. =X deN keEp aSk aLvin pEi mE takE tO maRsiLing deN hE takE baCk.. buT daT uN-geNtLemaN guY.. hE dowaN.. deN iN e enD i'M e
"BRIGHTEST" liGhtbuLb arD.. aFter aLvin aLighT liaO deN qiUyi camE oveR pEi mE.. leaVin teO sO kEliaN theRe.. wheN i reaCh mY sTop liaO i quiCklY walK ouT deN leT eM habE moRe timE togeTher lOR.. hEe.. sEe?? i diS fRen sOooOOoOOoOOOoOOoOOOo goOd hoR...? qiUyi.. mUz thaNx mE leH.. =pPp
yeSteRdaE.. eHh.. weNt foR e boOth dutY loe.. maRleEn couLdnT makE it.. thuS shiMin toOk ovEr.. anD sHE's laTe.. -_-!! weNt theRe mYseLf anD pLay soLitaiRe.. laYlenG camE.. deN botH oF eM leFt foR duNno waD.. aLmosT 1 liaO anD maRleEn's sTill noT heRe anD i habE tO gO foR daT sTupiD guaRd duTy!! iN e enD aSked onE guY heLp mE takE oveR deN i gO lE lor.. sAw wEnjIe aFter mY duTy!! hAHha.. sO qiaO!!
sMs-eD wiF hiM whiLe haBin mY lunCh.. hEe.. anD kAixiaN camE.. deN pEiLe camE toO~ yiNgqI alsO.. hAhha.. suDdenLy sO manY ppL comE pEi mE.. buT i weNt aWay foR qUite a whiLe tO wEnJie's boOth theRe.. sAw e geR whO's aLwaEs e caShieR aT yoShinoyA wheN i waS worKin aT u2!! HAhah.. goT to noE heR naMe's mEihUi.. anD sTudYin BIT.. hAhhaa.. shE lOok sO diFf froM weaRin daT yuCkie uNiforM.. oOps!
sAw kOk meNg theRe.. wOw!! hE loOked sOo.. eRr.. sHuaI-eR liaO! hAHha.. hE anD maLcoLm saMe courSe somEmoRe.. beTta duN samE cLass.. eLse laTer chaOs liaO.. =X oH ya.. wEnjiE's fRen hoR.. toK likE moNk likE daT.. anD hE loOks likE oNe tOo!! deN wE keEp saE hE'S a poTentiaL monK!! lOl!! wEnjiE chaNged fonE tO N7250 2nD haNd dE.. deN hiS foNe alL bOliaO foTos dE.. i heLp hiM takE onE foTo.. deN hE loOk sOooooo wEird iN iT.. AHhah.. =X "diSapPeaRed" foR quiTe a whiLe deN i gO baCk mY boOth whiLe wEnjiE gO foR hiS lunCh =P
eVelyN camE loe.. deN shE sTaRt psYcho e yR1s.. deN goT onE yaNdao froM sT gaBrieL's wanNa joIn leH.. bY e naMe oF.. eHh.. foRgot lE.. thiNk iS "jiNweN"? aiya.. waDeva.. hiS anG mO damN niCe!! hAHha.. =X hoPefulliE hE jOin loe.. hHAhaa!!
afTer evrYthin eNd liaO.. wenT baCk wiF pEiLe anD wEijiE.. deN sTayeD aT cO roOm till 6pM++ befoRe leaVin.. anD couLdnt geT onLine e whoLe nitE.. sO.. watChed VCDs e whoLe nitE.. anD sLePt qUite earLie tOo~ =p
11:24 PM
Friday, May 14, 2004
lISteNin tO: Jolin - Lin Meng Cao De Wei Dao
haD kTv sEsSiOn jUz nOw.. eHh.. will uPdatE moRe tmL la hoR..? habE tO wakE uP laTest bY 7 tmL.. deN habE tO gO baCk sP.. :/ cOz i habE dutY.. siGhx.. iF goT sTeveN's numbEr deN conFirm aSk hiM hElp mE lE!! buT tOo baD~
will updaTe abT todaE's kTv sEssioN tmL k~ gonNa habE mY beautY sLeEp.. nitEx~
1:41 AM
Thursday, May 13, 2004
tO mY guaRdiaN aNgeL
(u noE whO u R =p)
lISteNin tO: Jolin - Hai Dao
Hmm.. Juz wanna thanx u LOTS!! Hahhaa.. Coz wheNever i need someone by me, u're alwaes there.. AND itz alwaes so qiao loe.. whenever i need someone.. u gang qiao call mE loe.. Den u sae u feel like callin me.. And sometimes itz like.. u feel dat i might need u at dat time.. And u called.. Hhaha.. Itz as if we're xin you ling xi.. Hee..
Wanna thank u for showin care and concern for me.. Juz reallie wanna thank u.. =) Feel so touched, eh? Hahhaa.. Coz i dedicated an entry juz for u leh~
1:52 AM
wenT baCk tO sCh tO sEe fReshiEs dE yaNdaO~
liSteNiN tO: 98 Degrees - The Hardest Thing
hmM.. liLing anD sHimiN camE tO fiNd mE =S coZ.. i dunNo wheRe daT boOTh iS.. AHhaa.. anD deN.. sAw liFanG theRe!! goDs!! sO qiaO loe.. diDnt xpeCt tO sEe heR iN cO tOo~
anD goT tO noE heR fRen, hUishaN.. deN.. i heLp lifaNg loR.. whiLe sHimiN anD liLinG gO habE theiR lunCh.. anD theY weNt tO eaT sOoOoOooo loNg.. deN yiNgqi camE oveR also.. =) anD goT e keYs foR e cO roOm.. goT tO noE mY posiTioN iN comMitTeE tOo~ guEsS waD?! i'M iN pubLiC reLatioNs.. -______-" i likE diS alsO caN keNa pubLic reLatioNs.. iS e worLd goiN wRong?!
deN.. dunNo y goT suCh a thiNg call guaRd duTy.. -_- sO hUishaN pEi mE gO loe.. luCky sEhz.. cOz all guYs.. hAizz.. deN wE weRe seLEcteD tO guaRd ouTsidE e enRollmeNt roOm loE.. sAw qUite a numBer oF yanDaoS froM e fReshiEs..
BUT theY'rE eitHer iN CLS oR enGineErin dE!! yiKes!! diDnt sEe anY fReshiEs wiF rEd laNyaRd xcePt yellOw anD gReEn.. -_-
fiNisheD guaRd duTy liaO.. sAw sTeveN theRe.. deN all oF uS weRe diScusSin whO shLd gO foR e dE-bRieF.. deN all oF uS aSk sTeveN gO.. buT hE keEp dowaN.. deN i sA jiaO a biT tO hiM.. deN hE paRrot taLk mE.. -_- buT.. hEe.. hE sTill wenT aNywaE~ haHHAA.. mY sAjiaO worKs huH..? =)
aFter sTeveN heLp uS tO paCk eVrythiNG liaO deN wE gO baCk tO cO roOm lor.. deN i bouGht aPpLe piE oN e waY.. deN puT evrytHin theRe lE deN taKe traiN homE liaO..
gOin jE wiF qiUyi anD sAnsaN tO e aGencY foR iNterviEw.. deN.. goNna haBe kTv sEssiOn wiF e saMe ppL aGain tmL~ hiaKs.. goNna siNg untiL iTz worTh e moNey maN!
1:04 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
liStEniN tO: 98 Degrees - I Do (Cherish You)
hiaK hiaK.. jUz wokE uP noT loNg aGo onLie.. hEex..
yeSterdaE.. hmM.. keNneth aSked wheTheR wanNa gO hiS hsE pLay.. buT i gO.. alsO ntH tO do.. pS2 all thosE e guYs confiRm will pLay till haPpiE den duN caRe mE dE.. deN hE saE i gO hiS hsE pLay sofT toYs.. -____-" deN i saE mighT aS wEll bRing homE.. lOlx.. anD hE saE oK.. deN i saE.. i takE uLtramaN dE.. deN hE saE canNot.. LOL.. hE neVa saE canNot takE.. hAizz.. buT iN e enD nEva gO la.. sO awKwaRd.. e onLie geR.. yikEs! confiRm geT negLecteD dE.. =pPp
sTayeD aT homE.. chaT anD watCh tv anD watCh vCd anD.. eRr.. SLACK.. hAhha.. bumMing aRd e hsE.. doiN nothiN loe.. deN.. watChed i gueSs shOw.. aLamaK.. makE mE sO zibEi leHx.. thosE whO watChed will noE la hoR.. =p hmM.. gonNa gO pRepaRe gO sCh lE~ cOz.. e sPco loe.. saE waD i iN comMiTteE.. deN haBe tO gO heLp -_- sinCe wheN i goT iNtO e comMittEe.. i seLdom gO foR e praCticEs anD i goT iNtO e coMMiTteE.. waD iS diS?!?!
will bE gOin dOwn tO e aGencY tO fill uP somE foRms foR temP jobS wiF sAnsaN anD qiUyi.. hEex.. hoPefulliE caN geT a fEw deN eaRn $$ deN nO nEed aLwaEs thiNk oF hOw tO speNd iT.. =D
k.. gOttA pRepaRe lE~ jA nEis~~~~~~~~~~~~~
11:49 AM
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
liStEnin tO: Qiu Ze - Ni Zhi Dao Wo Ai Ni
bEen fEeLin giDdy sinCe i woKe uP.. woNderiN waD's wroNg wiF mE...
5:04 PM
weNt kTv yeSteRdaE~
liSteNin tO: Jolin - Love Love Love
OOoohHhh~ haD aN enJoyabLe daE yeSteRdaE~!! hEex.. suPposEd tO mEet sAnsaN aT cCk mRt aT 2.10pM.. buT i waS laTE.. :/
BUT wheN wE reaCh chiNatowN.. onLie chUn sianG rEach lE.. -_- sO.. daT meAns.. thoUgh wE're laTe.. buT wE weRen't very laTe.. lOlx.. deN.. noT lonG.. daRren.. heNg.. piNg yanG.. kEa LokE.. raPhaeL rEach lE.. deN wE waLk tO e dunNo wheRe tO habE ouR lunCh.. haD naSi leMak anD suGar caNe foR lunCH..
aFter daT.. waLked tO e dunNo wheRe dE k-bOx anD siNg.. hHAhaa.. deN.. wE sinG froM 4pM++ tO abT 10pM anD geT a fReE meMbeRshiP.. anD haD beEr peR peRsoN anD iT cosT uS abT $9 peR peRsoN onLie!! AHAhaa.. cOz nOw goT pRomo maHx.. till dIS thUrsdaE onLie.. anD HEinEkeN hoR.. taSte likE carLsbErg.. noT niCe tO dRinK dE.. yuCks!! daT coRona taSte beTta.. buT onLie leFt 3 boTtleS =S wah.. thosE guYs hoR.. e moRe theY siNg.. e moRe "hiGh" theY beCOmE.. eSp poweR sTatioN.. bOn joVi anD gRasShoPper dE soNgz.. hHAha.. deN heNg kEep siNg maChiaM iS roCk soNg liKe daT.. -_-
deN i siNg quiTe a nuMber oF soNgz la.. hHAha.. somE OF e soNgz r thosE uSuaL soNgz loE.. liKe.. "Ying Wei Ni", "Wo Zhi Dao Ni Hen Nan Guo", "Bu Shuo" anD bLahx.. saNg qUite abT 2 enGlisH soNgz alsO.. buT canNot heaR mY vOice..
cOz chuN sianG anD keNnetH's vOice covEr mY voiCe lE!! theY siNg sO LOUD.. deN i shouT alsO nO usE le la.. somEmorE i'M uSin e miC wiF maX voLume.. =S aiYa.. i'M siMpLy hoPeleSs..
saNg mY faVe soNg "Chun Zai" alsO..
anD "Dang Ni" alsO.. hEex.. sOoOoOoOooo happIe.. theSe soNgz canT bE fouNd iN paRty worLd dE.. hEeEex.. anD.. daT chUN sianG "uncLe" hoR.. kEep saE mY vOice likE liTtlE geR siNging!! aRgh!! buT.. hAha.. i aDmiT la.. buT no nEed saE wheN i'M siNgin dE maHx.. -_-
aFter siNging.. aCtualliE somE oF eM suGgesTed daT wE gO eaT e tiaN Ji poRridGe.. buT wheN wE reaChing le.. deN theY saE dowan liaO.. aLamak.. sO wE miGht aS wEll waLk tO ouTram mRt.. oN e waY wE bouGhT somE foOd anD dRinKs loE.. deN cOz i canT dRink coLd waTer wheN mY sTomaCh's empTy.. anD i gO dRinK iT.. =X yaR.. anD.. gaStric liaO loR.. lucKy theY diDn't rEaLisE ba.. i hid iT quiTe goOd.. =) deN oN e tRain.. yaRr.. keNnetH anD sAnsaN.. hHAhaa.. likE dunNo whO dE zUi whO likE daT.. deN i sO kE liaN.. iN bEtweeN 'eM.. siGhx.. fiNalliE aFter all oF eM aLighT liaO.. deN i callEd yoNg xiaNg loE.. aSk hiM pEi mE toK.. hEe.. deN hE suGgest i gO homE liaO eaT mY gaStric pillS anD.. mY gaStriC oK liaO!! hAHha.. i'M jUz sOoOoOoOOooOoo sTupiD..
deN.. watChed e vCd a whiLe.. watChed sHi Zi Lu kOu.. deN sLeep lE.. daT's mY daE~
1:45 PM
what u see is the smiLe on mY faCe when u'Re looking at me...
what u doNt see aRe the teaRs tt faLL afteR i tuRn my baCk and waLk aWay...
1:42 PM
Monday, May 10, 2004
liSteNin tO: Jolin - Hai Dao
waS heLpin ouT aT mY daD's pLace E whoLe daE.. sO siaNx!!
haD sO maNy thiNgs ruNnin thRu mY miNd jUz wheN i waS watChin a fEw sCeneS froM e vCd.. siGhx.. hOw wouLd i'vE becoMe alsO iF i'M an oRphaN..? will i havE lOTsa pRidE toO? anD wuN aCcepT anYonE whO tRieS tO heLp mE oR waDevA?
siGhx.. guEss mY miNd's tOo fRee liaO deN kEep thiNkin oN anD oN.. sO maNy "iFs" iN mY miNd.. mY minD's ruNnin
WILD!! caN somEoNe jUz sToP mY miNd froM waNdeRin??!?!
oH ya.. a chaNge oF laYouT aGain!! HEe.. iSnt iT jUz sOoOoOoOOooOOooo swEet??
hEe.. i'M toO borEd.. daT's y..
12:50 AM
Sunday, May 09, 2004
liSteNin tO: Avril Lavigne - Dont Tell Me
wHiLe waiTin foR buS.. sAw keLvin tOh aGain.. lOlx.. sO qiaO loE!! yaRr.. chaTted a biT befoRe i boaRd e buS =D mEt qiuYi aT cwP aT abT noOn anD i waS laTe.. hAHhaa.. caNt waKe uP la.. buT haD sWeEt dReAmz.. hEe.. daT's y..
weNt tO maC foR lunCh beFore gOin mEtro deN shE buY 4D.. deN i waLk aRd e 1sT fLooR oF meTrO loE.. whiLe waiTin foR heR.. deN.. prOcEed tO leVeL 4 tO taKe neOpriNts.. *wiNks* nEva takE wiF heR befOre maHx.. deN haPpiE loe.. thOugh iTz noT realliE daT niCe la.. buT sTill liKe iT anywaE.. hEe.. deN aFter daT weNt tO cheCk ouT e pRicE oF e caKe.. anD e vCd i iNteNded tO buY..
aFter daT.. toOk a traiN tO citY hall.. anD bouGht e thiNg i waNna giBe mY muMmiE!! hEe.. deN wE waLk waLk aRouNd.. deN tiRed liaO.. deN siT dowN anD chaT.. haLfwaE thrU.. teO callEd heR.. deN theY chaT loR.. leaVe mE aLonE.. -_- hAizz.. deN.. wheNeveR i'M aLone.. mY minD wouLd waNder.. anD thiNk of daT peRsoN loR.. siGhx.. duN meNtioN liaO.. anD deN.. hmMm.. wheNeveR wE sEe coupLes deN wE xiaN mU loE.. lOlz..!!
aFter daT.. qUite laTe liaO.. deN taKe tRain baCk.. deN chaTted oN e tRain aGain.. sEems liKe wE duN ruN ouT oF topICs!! hAHha.. aRen'T wE chaTty? =X aNd dEn.. wENt tO woOdlanDs ciVic ceNtre dE tS anD cheCk ouT e vCd i waNna buY.. yaRr.. buT duN haBe.. deN shuN biaN qiUyi go maC buY leMon limE jUice coZ heR sTomaCh noT fEeLin wEll.. deN oN e waY saW jUnYI!! hAHhaa.. aBt 5 YRs nEva sEe hiM le ba.. waS qUitE suRpriSed loE.. hE sTill havEnt chaNge a biT.. iN teRms oF loOk.. hHAha.. jUz daT hE's tAlleR.. =pPp deN.. wEnt tO pRIma deLi anD bouGht maNgo caKe foR mY muMmy.. anD dEn e vCd shoP aT e mRt sTatioN tO buY "sTaRry sTaRrY niTe" vCd.. sPent daMn loTs todaE!! aRgh!! i'M
BROKE witHin a daE..
sPenT $9.90 foR e gifT foR mY muM.. $17.50 foR e caKe.. $28.90 foR e vCd.. $3.95 foR mY lunCh.. -_-
watChed abT 5 ePisodEs oF e vCd lE.. =D qUite niCe.. aCtualliE waNna sKip e fiRst fEw ePidodEs.. buT bcOz oF mY siS.. i haBe tO pEi heR watCh froM e sTaRt.. lOlz!! guEss wiF diS kinDa sPeEd.. i caN finiSh diS sHow's vCd witHin 5 daEs~ =)
goNna heLp ouT aT mY daD's pLace tmL~ siANz.. nO liFe..
2:11 AM
Saturday, May 08, 2004
liSteNin tO: Huang Yi Da - Xian Wei Jing Xia De Ai Qing
feeL liKe dEdiCatin onE enTry tO all mY beSt paLs.. hEe..
thaNx daCia
fiRst beSt paL i eVer haD.. haS bEen stanDin bY mE sinCe e aGe oF 6.. till nOw.. wE've nOt lost conTaCt... anD nEva will ba.. hEe.. wE shaRed e saMe inteRest.. anD neVa ruN ouT oF thiNgs tO chaT.. hEe.. diS girL.. noE way tOo manY oF mY sEcRets liaO.. hAHha.. sinCe youNg till nOw.. sOoooOooo manY oF iT.. aLmosT all oF iT shE noEs.. hmM.. veRy thouGhtfuL oF heR alsO.. aFter geTtin iNto diFf sEc sCh.. diDnt xpeCt u tO sTill rEMembeR mY biRthdaE!! habE beEn reCeivin uR pReseNt puNctualliE woR.. hEe.. sO thouGhtfuL u.. rEalliE gLad tO haBe u aS mY paL.. +hugx+
thaNx jamiE
mY beSt paL iN sEc sCh.. shE's e onLie onE whO haS sEen mE iN loVe.. ouT oF lOve.. sEen mE cRy.. sEen mE lauGh.. waDeva emoTionS i haBe.. shE's sEen iT all.. sEen mE gEtTin intO all soRts oF tRoubLe.. anD heLpin mE thRu.. anD gUidin mE liKe a siS tO mE.. siGhz.. canT foRgeT e daEs wheN wE aLwaEs haNg ouT iN cwP.. eaTin iCe-creams anD chaT beFore goiN homE.. lOlzz.. anD i'M alwaEs e onE coaChin u iN maThs.. =D hEe.. kK.. jUz waNna thaNk u foR leNdin mE a liStenin yeaR all theSe yeaRs.. nO maTter hOw busY u R.. u will aLwaEs taKe ouT somE oF uR pRecioUs timE tO heaR mE taLk cRap.. hEe.. +huGx+
thaNx sAnsaN
mY fiRst beSt paL i mEt iN poLy.. haS bEen leNdin mE a liSteNin eaR foR a aLmosT a yR liaO.. noE somE oF mY sEcRetS tOo.. sEen mE cRy.. sEen mE lauGh.. sEen mE saD.. anD sEen mE maD.. sO faR mY beSt-eSt paL liaO.. sTudiEd togEther.. gO shoPpin togEther.. iN totaL.. wE dO almosT eVerythinG tOgeTher ba.. hmM.. likE e saMe kinDa sTufFs alsO.. hEe.. likE siStaZ eH?! buT shE liKes tO suaN mE.. -_- dunNo shE caN suaN mE up tO hOw manY timEs peR daE!! waHaaha.. buT noT baD la.. caN tahaN mY laMenEss anD sTuFfs.. hoPefulliE.. wE'll geT intO e saMe oPtioNs anD saMe cLaSs ya? waNna giBe u a BIG huG anD thaNx.. hEe.. +hugGiex+
thaNx qiUyi
hmM.. jUz goT cLosEr duRin e exaM peRioD.. buT.. hEhee.. wE're cLosE nOw~ shE noEs waD i'M thiNkin anD viCe veRsa.. wE duN rEalliE neEd tO saE ouT deN caN guEss lE.. jiNg zAi bU yaN zoNg.. zAi eH~ hAhaha.. shE's somEone whO hmM.. verY maTure iN thiNkin.. will giBe goOd aDviCe.. hAHha.. somEonE whO lisTens tO mY proBs alsO.. will taLk tO mE nO maTter hOw busY shE iS.. eVen dURin exaM peRioD.. wE couLd toK uP tO an houR oN fonE.. lOl.. jUz waNna tell yA a BIG thaNx foR bEing theRe foR mE.. +huGgiEx+ hoPe wE wuN bE "hi" "byE" fRenz eVen iF wE're iN diFf opTionS.. =)
1:15 AM
Friday, May 07, 2004
laSt ouTin wiF 1B04 guYs aFter eXamz
liSteniN tO: Cyndi Wang - On My Way
aFter paPers yeSterdaE.. waS diScusSin abT goiN wheRe foR diNner.. -_- diScusSed foR sO lonG anD fiNalliE deCidEd oN goiN laU pa saT eaT insTeaD oF maRina.. -_- cOz somE oF eM duN wanNa gO maRina.. *goDs..* kK.. toOk a tRain tO ciTy hall anD we aLighT.. cOz e geRs thouGht oF goiN tO waLk waLk aT raFfLes ciTy.. anD qiUyi bouGht a walleT foR motHer's daE pRezziE.. deN.. wE taKe traiN gO raFfleS pLace deN waLk tO laU pa saT lE loR..
reaChed theRe.. fouNd a tabLe deN siT theRe.. waNna taKe orDer liaO.. buT aFter thiNkin daT wE shLd aSk e guYs wheRe theY aRe.. sO i sMs-eD la.. deN call chuN sianG.. deN iRene aSk 'eM oveR.. yaRr.. dunNo y shE liKe daT sTall sO muCh.. deN.. raPhael camE.. deN iRene tell hiM to aSk e guYs ovEr.. deN wE taKe ordErs lE.. oRdereD so muCh foOd!! hAHaa.. wE orDered oysTer eGg.. oysTer sauCe veGgie.. cRab mEat ball.. sTing raY.. soTOng.. hoTpLate toFu.. anD eaCh oF us onLie haD tO paY abT 10 buCks.. hEe.. yEa.. anD cOz e sPooN hoR.. sO diRty.. deN daT leaVes mE wiF nO spOon.. =( nO spoOn duRin meaL timEs iS a HELL foR mE.. yiKes! nEva eaT w/O spoOn beFore.. :/
aFter eaTin deN qiUyi suGgest waLk tO e meRliOn theRe.. nEar e eSpLanaDe.. oN e waY wE weNt tO 7-11 tO buY iCe-creAm.. hEe.. deN.. waLk theRe.. saT theRe.. anD enJoy e "bReEze" hAhha.. aCtualliE e sCenery noT baD la.. toOk somE piCs.. deN waLk tO suNteC.. deN IRene anD cHeryl anD qiUYi waNna gO homE lE.. sO mE anD sAnsaN gO jOin e guYs.. =X cOz i duN waNNa gO homE sO eaarLie.. guEss i'M tuRnin froM baD tO woRse lE? hahaAArz..
jOined 'eM aT maRina's suPerfuNworLd i thiNk.. deN teO.. kea loKe.. pY anD chuN sianG paK billaRd.. deN e reSt paK pOoL loE.. sEe aLvin anD mOh kEe pLay poOl.. u caN vomiT bLoOd anD lauGh till sTomaCh paiN!! hAHhaa.. theY caN liKe.. misS hiTtin e ball bY a tEenY wEenY inCh!! AND.. iTz likE.. theRe's e laSt ball.. e bLack onE leFt theRe.. anD theY caN speNd miNutEs tRyin tO gEt daT ball intO e hoLe.. -_- anD aLvin kEep bE e onE entErtaiNin uS de loR.. kEep miSs balls and all thOse deN maKe mE anD sAnsaN lauGh till buaY taHan.. lOlzz.. hiS huMouRous leVel iS geTtin hiGher huH~ hmM.. deN wE leaVe aT abT 11 loR...
toOk a tRain.. reaChed homE aT nearLie 12.. luCky maN!! hEe.. yEa.. deN.. onLine.. sLack till 3aM++ deN loGged oFf.. buT couLdnt gEt to sLeep.. anD waS woKen bY mY maiD aT 10aM++.. -_- caNt geT enuFf sLp.. siGhx.. sO daO mEi.. anD.. heaRd heNg theY all goiN ouT.. nEva aSk mE.. sO.. hAHhaa.. duN waNna gO ouT la.. thiNk sTaY aT homE anD sLaCk anD watCh somE vCds.. anD.. hmM.. geT somE sTuFfs ouTta mY heaD.. anD i beLieVe i caN dO iT~! yEa..
goNna mEet qiUyi anD buY moTher's daE PRezziE foR mY muMmie!! hEee.. thiNk goNna geT a caKe anD a soMEthing i dunNo waD's daT callEd.. hU sheN fU? eHh.. saW iT yeSterdaE aT raFfleS ciTY.. goNna gO all e waY theRe jUz tO geT somEthinG foR mY mUM~ hEe.. aFter buY all theSe i sURe poK liaO.. nO $$.. oH ya.. goNna buY "sTaRry sTaRry niGht" vCd.. e xUe di li dE xiNg xiNg.. oN chaNneL 8 nOw.. goT qiU zE~ yeA!! lOokin fOrwaRd tO tmL~
1:55 PM
liStEnin tO: Elva - Wen
siGhx.. iTz 3aM anD i sTill caNt sLeEp.. hAha.. thaNx tO zHijuN aH.. hEe.. mY couSin.. hE waS liStenin tO all mY coMplaiNs anD giVing mE somE comMenTs anD coNsoLin mE.. thaNx dudE~ thoUgh nOt daT cLose wiF hiM.. buT.. todaE's convErsaTion sEems tO haVe bRoughT uS cLosEr.. buT.. keEp keNa suaN bY hiM aLso.. -_- hEe.. nO mooD tO puT eMotioNs.. sO.. theSe fEw eNtriEs mighT bE kinDa dull foR e reaDers. anD pRob e eNtriEs foR e nExt fEw daEs.. soRrie.. hmM.. somE thouGhts oN mY minD jUz couLdnt.. eRm.. couldnt geT ouTta mY heaD.. yaR.. daT's e phRase i guEss? -_-
shauN!! hAizz.. wheRe r u wheN i nEeded u moSt.. siGhx..
thouGh finiSh wiF e paPers.. buT.. y aM i noT fEeLin anYthinG?
havE i beComE nuMb? oR.. aM i jUz a coLd-bLoOdeD humaN?
caN i bE a dEviL? i duN waNna bE aN anGel tO anyonE.. duN wannA bE a muMmy's girL.. caN i chooSe?
3:11 AM
liSteNin tO: Gigi Leung - Mo Huan Ji Jie
haD mY laSt seMesTer paPer todaE.. NETF.. diS paPer suCks.. oOps.. heE.. kK.. 50% i noE la.. qUite daNgeRous i noE.. buT i'M beTtin oN iT.. lOlx.. aS iN.. goNna tRy mY luCk.. hoPefulliE mY 2 aSsignmEnts caN pull mY maRks uP =D
noT fEelin rEal wEll nOw.. sO i guEss.. i'M goNna updaTe abT waD's haPpin todaE bY tmL hEe..
1:30 AM
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
laZineSs iS e woRd
liSteNin tO: Evonne Hsu - 7 Yue 7 Ri Qing
hAizZz.. iTz 11.38pM liao anD i 'M sTill heRe bLogGin aWay.. -_-
jUz duN rEalliE habE e moTivaTioN tO sTudY.. anD mY paPer's iN abT 14hRs awaY.. oH mY goD.. waS cRaZyin wiF mY siS jUz nOw.. chaTted onLine wiF sAnsaN.. anD nOw.. bLogGin.. hAHhaa.. jUz dun wanNa sTudY.. i wanNa dO somEthinG.. bUT i duNno waD.. -peNgz- lOlx.. k.. i'M bEing lame.. and SansaN hOr.. kEep leMme haBe mY hoPes hiGh higH.. buT i sCared mY hopEs will *PIANG* den gO dowN tO dRain.. oR mayBe.. unDerGroUnd? hAizz.. duNno la.. tHink tmL.. hAizz.. duNno la.. tmL dE thinGs.. tmL deN saE.. hEee.. aM i moRe opTimiStiC nOw? hoPefulliE..
heVent taKe mY laSt paPer anD i'M tHinKin abT tmL aFter eXamz..
tmL goNna haBe diNner aT maRina baY i heaRd >.< hEe.. deN goNna asK somE ppL helP mE pEeL e shEllS oF e pRawNs liaO..
anYonE will dO.. jUz anyoNe whOse willinG tO peeL foR mE caN liaO.. hAhaha.. kK.. i noE i'M hoPeleSs.. i'M jUz toO lazy tO pEel e pRawNs thOugh i haBe e urGe tO eaT.. lOlx.. k.. goNna watCh 15minS shOw wiF mY siS bEfoRe i'M goNna foRce mYseLf tO sTudY nO maTter waD..
11:45 PM
laSt paPer tmL~
liSteNin tO: Nelly and Kelly Rowland: Dilemma
jUz fiNisheD caRroT caKe.. *yuMmY* hEe.. woKe uP qUite earLy deN usuaL.. deN sTarteD meMoriSin somE sTuFfs.. tRyin tO rEcall.. luCKy i couLd sTill reMembEr aFter a niGht's sLeEp
yaRr.. deN ruShed tO eaT mY muM's nOodLe deN toOk a buS tO woodLands.. cOz iTz raiNin heaViLy :/ deN duN wanNa geT dRenChed.. woRe a lOng sLeeVe toP.. hEe.. sO coLd!! sAw juStin aT e voiD deCk.. hE beCome tallEr anD sHuai-eR lE woRx..
buT sTuPid mE foRgoT tO aSk hE iN waD jC lE.. :S
aCtualliE wanNa taKe tRain wiF qiUyi.. buT shE meEtin teO.. sO.. i deCideD tO gO aloNe.. buT.. siGhx.. buMped iNto teO aT e pLaTforM.. waD a daE :/ hoPped onTo e saMe tRain aS e botH oF eM.. anD.. i saT oPposIte oF em.. duN wanNa bE suCh a
BRIGHT liGhtbuLb..
meT iRene anD sAnsaN aT dOver mRt.. deN wE walK tO t17 togEther foR oUr paPer.. sTudiEd a biT liaO beFore wE pRoceEd intO daT rOom.. yArr.. deN.. sTarTed loOkin thRu e paPer.. waSnt aS diFfiCuLt aS i xpeCted iT tO bE.. rouGhlY 60% i noE loE.. sO.. guEss i caN xpeCt a B oR C ba.. hoPefulliE.. *jiNlinG pRay praY* hEe.. waLked ouT oF e roOm aT abT 3.50pM.. chaTted wiF mEihui till e reSt oF eM comE ouT..
toOk train wiF qiUyi.. tEo.. hEng.. aLvin.. daRren anD wEishU.. buT wE kinDa liKe.. guYs togeTher.. deN qiUyi anD mE sTiCk togEtheR.. hAhhaa.. deN aFter i aLighT liaO qiUyi gO siT beSide teO loR.. cOz i sCare shE aLone maHx.. deN suGgest iT tO hEr de.. lOlx..
oN e waY homE saW gEaNne's dauGhter aGain.. -_- diS 2 wKs keEp buMp intO heR.. sO qiaO.. lOlx..
guEss.. i soRta duN wanNa rEalliE nOe waD mY fRen's tEllinG mE abT somEthiNg tmL.. haVe soRt oF.. miXed fEeLings? wanNa noE aBT daT.. bEin a kPo.. buT aT e saMe timE.. noT suRe wheTher i shLd noE.. aiYa.. duN caRe mE.. hAHha.. cOz i soRta.. craZy aFter meMoriSin..? :S
oH ya.. tmL's mY laSt paPer.. nEtworKin fuNdameNtaLs.. onE oF mY woRse moDuLe also.. lOlx.. yaRr.. buT i fiNisheD rEvisiN lE.. laTer gO meMoriSe somE sTuFfs.. anD deN can sLack liaO.. hHAhaa.. goNna dO somE paSt yR paPers.. gueSs daT heLps a loT foR mE!! hmM.. goNna gO laU pa Sat wiF mY claSs anD buDdy cLasS.. hoPefulliE tmL will bE aN enJoyabLe daE foR mE.. wiSh mE luCk foR tmL's paPer foLks!
6:44 PM
muGgiN anD muGgiN anD mUgGiN
siGhx.. iTz 1.41aM nOw.. aNd i'M sTill muGgin.. lOlx.. aCtualliE nO la.. fiNisheD watChin i guEss shOw nOt lonG loR.. deN.. goNna gEt baCk tO mY noTes.. anD meMoriSe somE sTuFfs beFore i geT mY beauTy sLeEp anD geT reaDy foR tmL's paPer!! onE oF mY woRst moDuLe..
aiN't i gReaT? i fiGurEd so manY sTufFs whiCh i duN eveN undErsTand wheN mY leCtuRer'S xpLainiNg.. anD i couLd jUz fiGurE ouT eV'rYthinG iN jUz a fEw houRs.. anD somE sTuFfs wiF e helP oF heNg.. *thaNx aH, keNnetH~* lOlx.. eHh.. k la.. notHin muCh tO bLog toO.. thiNk tiMe's pReciOus foR mE nOw!! jA nEis~
1:46 AM
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
tr33 . |3af . w|nd
The reason I'm called tree is because I'm good at painting trees.
Overtime I start to use a tree on the right hand corner as a trademark for all my watercolors painting.
I have dated 5 gals when I was in Pre-U.
There's one gal who I love a lot but never dare go after her.
She doesn't have a pretty face, doesn't have a good figure, doesn't have outstanding charm.
She is just a very ordinary gal. I like her. I really like her. Like her innocent, like her frankness. Like her cuteness, like her intelligence and her fragility.
Reason for not going after her is because I felt somebody so ordinary like her is not a good match for me.
I'm also afraid that after we are together all the good feelings will vanish.
I'm also afraid other's gossips will hurt her.
I felt that if she's my gal, she will be mine ultimately & I don't have to give up everything just for her.
The last reason, made her accompany me for 3 years.
She watch me chase after gals, and I have make her heart cry for 3 years.
She wants to be a good actress and I'm a very demanding director.
When I kissed my 2nd girlfriend, she bumped into us. She was embarrassed but smile & say "Go on!" before running off.
The next day, her eyes was swollen like a walnut.
I purposely didn't want to think about what causes her to cry but laugh at her the whole day.
When everybody go back home, she was alone crying in the classroom. She didn't know that I returned from soccer training to get something.
I watch her cry for an hour or so.
My 4th girlfriend didn't like her.
There was once when both of them quarreled.
I know that based on her character she's not the type that will start off the quarrel. But I still sided with my girlfriend.
I shouted at her and her eyes was filled shocked. I didn't care about her feelings and walked off with my girlfriend.
The next day, she still laugh & joke with me like nothing has ever happened.
I know that she's very hurt but she didn't know that my heart ache is as bad as hers.
When I broke up with my 5th girlfriend, I asked her out.
After going out for a day, I told her that I have something to tell her.
She told me that coincidentally, she has something to tell me too.
I told her about my break up and she told me about her getting together.
I know who's the guy. He had been going after her for quite a while.
A very cute guy full of energy, lively and interesting. His pursuit for her has been the talk of the school.
I can't show her my heart ache but could only smile & congratulate her.
When I reach home, the heart ache is so strong that I can't stand it.
It's like a heavy weighted stone on my chest. I couldn't breath.
Wanted to shout but can't.
Tears rolled down & I broke down & cry.
How many times have I seen her cry for the man that doesn't acknowledge her presence too.
During graduation, I read a sms in my hp.
It was send 10 days ago when I broke down and cry. I haven't read it since then.
It says "Leaf's departure is because of Wind's pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay"
==== Leaf =====
During Pre-U days, I like to collect leaves. Why?
Because I felt that for a leaf to leave the tree she has been relying on for so long it takes alot of courage.
During the 3 years of Pre-U I was on very close terms with a guy.
Not BGR kind but as buddy kind.
But when he had his 1st girlfriend, I learnt a feeling I never should have learnt - Jealousy.
The sourness in the heart can't be describe by using a lemon.
It's like 100 rotten sour lemon. Sourness to the extreme limit.
They were only together for 2 mths.
When they broke up, I hide my strong sense of happiness.
But after a mth, he got together with another gal.
I like him & I know he like me. But why won't he pursue me?
Since he love me why he doesn't want to make the first move?
Whenever he had a new girlfriend, my heart would hurt.
Time after time, my heart was hurt.
I begin to suspect that this is a one sided love.
But, If he don't like me, why does he treat me so well?
It's beyond what you will normally do for a friend.
Liking a person is very heart wrenching. I can know his likes, his habits. But his feelings towards me I can never figure out.
You can't expect me a gal to ask him right?
Despite that, I still want to be by his side.
Care for him, accompany him, dote on him.
Hoping that one fine day, he will come & love me.
It's like waiting for his phone call every night, wanting him to send me sms.
I know that no matter how busy he is, he will make time for me.
Because of this, I waited for him.
The 3 years were the hardest to go through & I really want to give up.
Sometimes, I wonder should I continue waiting.
The pain and hurt, the dilemma accompany me for 3 years.
Till the end of my 3rd year, a 2nd year junior begins to go after me.
Everyday he pursuit me relentlessly.
From outright rejection to a point in time when I felt that I'm willing to let him have a small footing in my heart.
He's like a warm & gentle wind, trying to blow a leaf away from the tree.
In the end, I realized that I didn't want to give this wind a small footing in my heart.
I know this wind will bring this badly battered leave far away & better land.
Finally I left tree, but the tree only smile & didn't ask me to stay.
Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay
==== Wind ======
I like a gal called leaf.
Because she's so dependent on tree so I have to be a gust wind.
A wind that will blow her away.
When I first met her, it was 1 mth after I transfer to the new school.
I saw a petite person looking at my seniors & me playing soccer.
During ECA time, she will always be sitting there.
Be it alone or with her friends looking at him.
When he talks with gals there's jealousy in her eyes.
When he looked at her, there's a smile in her eyes.
Looking at her became my habit. Just like she likes to look at him.
One day, she didn't appear. I felt something amissed.
I can't explain the feeling except it's a kind of uneasiness.
The senior was also not there as well.
I went to their classroom, hid outside and saw my senior scolding her.
Tears were in her eyes while he left.
The next day, I saw her at her usual place, looking at him.
I walked over and smiled to her.
Took out a note & gave to her.
She was surprised. She looked at me, smiled & accept the note.
The next day, she appeared & pass me a note and left.
Leaf's heart is too heavy and wind couldn't blow her away.
It's not that leaf heart is too heavy. It because leaf never want to leave tree
I replied her note with this statement and slowly she started to talk to me & accept my presents & phone calls.
I know that the person she loves is not me.
But I have this perseverance that one day I will make her like me.
Within 4 mths, I have declared my love for her no less than 20 times.
Every time, she will divert away from the topic. But I never give up.
If I decide I want her to be mine, I will definitely use all means to win her over.
I can't remember how many times I have declared my love to her.
Although I know she will try to divert but I still bear a small ray of hope.
Hoping that she will agree to me my girlfriend.
I didn't hear any reply from her over the phone.
I asked "what are you doing? How come you didn't want to reply?"
She said, "I'm nodding my head".
"Ah?" I couldn't believe my ears.
"I'm nodding my head" She replied loudly.
I hang up the phone, quickly changed and took a taxi and rush to her place & press her door bell.
During the moment when she opens the door. I hugged her tightly.
Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay
goT diS froM mY fReN's bLogGie.. feLt quiTe saD aFter reaDin.. oH maN.. waD is lovE?
Why do pple only treasuRe things after they lose them?
1:48 AM
Monday, May 03, 2004
hAizz.. suDdenLy miSs hiM sooOoo muCh.. buT.. hAHhaa.. duN haBe e couRage tO call hiM la.. duN wanNa diSturB hiM... tHinK oF e meMoriEs daT hE haS givEn mE shLd bE enufF le ba? siGhx
11:54 PM
sTudiEd aT cLemeNti maC todaE
wokE uP aT nearLy 12..
couLdnT rEalliE waKe up la.. lOlx.. cOz i heaDaChe maHx.. prOb noT enuFf sLp ba i guEss.. siGhx.. deCidEd tO meEt uP wiF hEng anD raPhaeL tO sTudY aT cLemeNti's maC.. waS soRt oF a laSt miNute deCisioN.. cOzz daT sAnsaN.. aRgh.. shE deCided noT tO gO..
reaCh aT abT 3.. wheN botH oF 'eM haVe alreaDy reAched.. yaRr.. i waS e laTesT.. hHAaa.. deN siT beSide raphaeL loE.. cOz heNg puT hiS baG oN e seaT beSide hiM.. duN wanna maFan hiM.. raPaheL toOk mY maC couPon deN shuN biaN heLp mE buY mY lunCh tOo~ hEe.. anD heNg alsO aSk hiM shuN biaN buY 1 laRge coKe.. eHh.. deN i alsO xchaNge pLace wiF raPhaeL.. cOz hE saE hE walK iN anD ouT iF siT inSide verY maFan foR botH oF us.. anD thuS i'M siTtin bY e wiNdoWs.. aTe mY filleT haLfwaY deN aLoysiUs callEd.. -_- somEthiN haPpeneD tO hiM anD cheNg siEw la.. cOz heR muM saW hiM.. deN wanNa mE gO dowN posE aS hiS gF.. kaOx.. i eaT haLfwaE onLie lEh.. deN qUickLy eaT liaO gO mEet hiM.. deN oN e waE sO cHenG siEw's mUm sO anGry.. *jinLinG sCaRed scaRed* deN fiRst tiMe meEt aLoysiUs loE.. aFter noEin hiM siNCe sEc 2 -_-.. eHh.. diScusSed abT waD theY shLd dO nOw loE.. aS ivE saiD.. anYthinG haPpeNin tO 'eM.. i'm invoLved..
aFter daT gO baCk deN sTaRt reVisiN oN mY NETF lE.. wRote soMe noTes.. deN i thinK 4pm++ pY comE loE.. diDnt xpeCt hiM tO coME la.. cOz nO onE toLd mE maHx.. anD i'M e onLie geR loE.. *sO paisEh* haHaa.. deN.. eH.. aRd 5pM heNg anD raPhaeL gO ouT waLk walK fOR haLf aN hR.. lOlx.. deN i sLept foR abT fEw miNs ba.. cOz mY heaD's spinNin.. siaNx.. suDdenLy giDdY giddY dE... hAizz.. mY heaLth's falliN maNz.. waD to dO..
dEn.. wE chaNge pLacE loE.. tO anotHer loNger dE tabLe deN caN siT aGainsT e wall dE.. deN mY faV pLace lEh.. buT nEva siT theRe.. cOz iF i siT deN botH sidEs alsO guYs liaO.. i coNfirM noT comFortaBle dE.. sooo... =) aSked heNg tO xpLain aBt deVice mGt's caLculaTioNs anD sTuFfs.. hmM.. nOw haBe a beTta coNcePt oF daT paRt le.. *tHx keNnetH!*
noT loNg deN wEishU coMe lE.. fiNalliE.. lOlx.. thoUght hE noT coMin..
deN hE gO siT e pLace wheRe i iNtenD tO shiFt tOo.. -_-!! aRgh!! deN.. i shiFt tO nExt tabLe loE.. cOz siT aT e chaiR toO lonG deN buTt paIn paiN!! hAHhaa.. deN daT wEishU kEep diSturB la.. kEep saE gO pLay cS.. deN henG theY all kEep saE gO kTv sTudY.. -_- deN cOz raPhaeL duNno i goT pLay cS dE maHx.. deN hE thoUght i goT brO cOz mY coM haBe cS.. deN hE saE.. deN i saE i nO brO.. onLie goT siS.. deN wEishU sTaRt suaNin liaO.. waD e heCk..?! liKe daT alsO keNe suaN.. i rEalliE notHin tO saE loE.. deN.. heNg alsO quiTe kEliaN la.. kEep keNa eHh.. coNsidEreD bulliE? nEva minD.. saE liaO u all alsO duN undErsTand..
sTayed theRe till abT 8pm deN wE leaVe liaO.. aLL huNgry
waLked tO e coFfeEshoP deN wEishU dEcideD tO gO hoMe.. duN wanNa pEi mE taKe tRain.. noT geNtLemeN dE!! hmM.. deN heNg anD pY eaT haLf chiCken wiF riCe.. raPhaeL eaT hoR fuN.. deN mE eaT duCk riCe loE.. thouGh e duCk meaT liKe sO liTtle hoR..
BUT verY full woR!! haHAa.. deN i caNt fiNish mY wiNtermeLon tEa.. -_- deN wE pEi heNg gO tO anoTher coFfeeshOp tO buY taNg yuaN foR hiS muM.. deN.. buY liaO taKe traiN homE loE..
i miSsed mY tRain sO haBe to waiT lonGer loE.. deN heNg theY all dEcidE tO haBe bBq aT eaSt coaSt i thiNk.. cOz raPhaeL goT couPon maHx.. foR chaLet onE i tHink.. goT diScouNt $40 anD anotHer onE iS duNno hOw maNy peRceNt dE.. sO goOd hoR!! hEee.. ya la.. den theY sTill conSideRin i tHink.. deN pY keeP waNt gO dowNtowN east dE.. deN heNg anD raPhaeL anD mE saE theY siaNz.. gO eaSt coaSt.. lOl.. deN thEir traiN comE lE..
waiTed foR mY traiN anD fiNalliE caMe.. boaRded wiF heNg deN wE toK loE.. notHin muCh alsO la.. reaCh hiS sTop liaO hE aLighT.. deN mY stoP liaO i aLiGht loE.. *fEi huA*.. toOk buS homE cOz faSter.. laZy tO waLk liaO.. kK.. tHink i sToP lE.. cOz mY shOw's sTaRtin REAL SOON!! heE.. deN aFter daT goNna dO NETF paPer liaO.. heEe.. waNna sEe hOw muCh i "aBsoRbEd" todaE..
oH ya.. caiJuan aH.. dun saD lE woR.. guEss uR muM anD brO rEalliE dun undErstAnd.. maYbe somEdaE.. theY'll undErsTand.. duN saD saD woR.. *wiNks*
10:44 PM
Sunday, May 02, 2004
haVin heaDaChe nOw
haviN heaDacHe nOw..
so paiN!! feeL liKe somEthiN iN mY heaD iS goiN "tHumP! tHuMp! thuMp!!" hAizz.. deN aT tiMes liKe sPiNnin.. maKe mE caNt dO anytHin aLso..
haD bReakFast wiF faMiLy aT 10am++.. daD fEtChed uS tO chiNatowN pOint tO haBe mY faV baK kuT tEh~~ *dRooLss* haveNt haD iT foR monThs!! aFter daT.. hE feTch mE baCk hoMe aGain.. hEe.. waiTed foR sAnsaN's smS whiLe watChin tV.. buT sO laTe lE shE havEnt sMs.. sO i callEd heR.. anD shE's sTill sLpin.. -_- woKe heR uP anD dEcideD oN meEtin heR aT 2pM aT causEwaY.. shE's laTe.. oH mY goD..
weNt tO royaL spoRtiN housE anD sPorTsliNk tO chEck ouT e caP shE waNna buY tO suRpriSe heR bF.. deN wE keeP waLk heRe walK theRe jUz tO cheCk loE.. deN gO miNi toOns heLp raPhaeL cheCk wheTher sTill habE e baG hE wanTed anOt la.. buT toO baD~ e baG i thiNk soLd ouT le.. hAizz.. deN pEi sAnsaN gO "zaP iT" tO pHotoCoPy somE oF mY noTes.. anD deN gO royaL spoRtin housE buY e caP loE.. deN wE gO kFc dabaO lunCh anD paNcaKe froM pRima deLi~ *yuMmiE*
deN toOk a buS anD reaCh mY homE le.. aTe lunCh deN sTudy.. deN diS cRazY dE o bA saNg.. keEp diSturB mE.. aNd eveN tHreaTeneD tO call somEoNe la.. -_- doTz.. deN hAi mE haBe tO taKe mY hP arouNd.. -_-"' sTudiEd till duNno waD tiMe deN shE usE mY laPtOp sEe all e foTos loE.. deN shE leaVe mY hSe aT abT 7pM ba.. pEi heR waLk till maRsiLing mRt loE.. bouGht a fEw thiNgs froM nTuC.. deN toP uP heR caRd.. deN shE leaVe lE.. anD i'M on mY waY hoMe..
watChed tv aGain.. aTe mY dinNer.. deN comE onLine lE.. haVin heaDaChe riGht diS moMent.. guEss i duN bLog lE.. sO.... uncoMfoRtabLe!! aRgh!!
10:59 PM
Saturday, May 01, 2004
haPpiE laBouR's daE tO ev'rYonE~ hEex..
hmM.. sLePt laTe laSt nitE.. aRd.. 3.30aM? yaR.. waS tokin oN e fone wiF raPhaeL loHx.. deN haLf e tiMe iT waS siLent.. -_- cOz wE aLso duNno waD tO toK.. lOlx.. anD wE weRe doiN ouR owN sTuFfs.. like suRfiN neT.. pLayin gaMes.. liSteNin tO soNgz anD eTc.. buT.. hEe.. noT veRy jiaLat la.. cOz aT leaSt goT soMeonE aCcomPanY maHx..
aT leaSt i noE soMeonE's noT sLpiN yeT anD caN pEi mE.. hEe.. okiE.. enuFf oF daT..
woKe uP aT 12pM++ todaE.. :S couLdnT waKe uP..
wEitinG caLLeD mE noT lOng aFter.. deN wE chAtteD foR 1 hR ++ deN finalliE haNg uP loE.. aCtualliE waNna haNg uP earLier.. buT duNno hOw tO opeN mY mouTh anD saE iT..
sO.. wheN i fiNalliE pLuck uP e couRagE tO tEll heR.. iT's aLmosT 2.. -_-
ruShed to baThe anD eaT mY lunCh bEfoRe ruShin tO daD's oFfiCe.. chaTted wiF qiUyi oN e fonE oN e waY theRe.. yEa.. deN.. daD fEtCh mE aT cLemeNti mRt.. waNtEd tO gO loOk foR siNsEh oR diE dA? tO "cuRe" mY sPraiNed wRisT.. buT todaE's pubLic hoLidaE maHx.. noT oPen.. waD a waStE?! siGhx.. todaE's noT mY daE..
bouGht a saNdwiCh beFore reaChin daD's oFfiCe.. heLped ouT a biT deN i sTaRt suRfin neT.. hAHhaa.. reVisEd a liL toO~ buT mY coNceNtRatiOn sPan iS qUickLy taKen ovEr bY e teMptaTioN oF uSin nEt..
hEe.. deN.. daD fEtcHed uS baCk loE.. deN siT iN fRont oF e tV
anD watCh fOR moRe deN 2 hRs.. lOlx.. haD hoMe-maDe otaH foR diNner~ *dRooLss* aNd haD neaPolitaN iCe-cReaM tOo~ waD a fEaSt! *gRinzZ*
goNna sTudY a biT laTer oN anD dEn sTaRt oN NETF tmL~ gonNa haBe OPSY paPer oN wEd anD NETF paPer oN thU.. wiSh mE luCk paLs~ *wiNks*
11:18 PM