Monday, March 29, 2004
coNgraTs tO e nEwLy wEd coUpLe~~
coNgraTs daRren Lim anD eVelyN taN~ fiNalliE geTting maRried afteR 6 moNths oF courTshiP.. heEez.. yEa.. goT a chanCe to toK wiF 'eM a fEw yeaRs ago.. wheN.. haHAa.. aCtually coZ mY freN noEs 'eM la..
sAw theiR wedDing.. botH oF 'eM sO xiNg fU~.. hAixX.. sO meNg huaN aLso... sO nicE~~ heR gOwn all sO niCe!! sO xiaN mU heR siA... shE cRied 3 timEs and hE cRied 4 timeS oN daT daE... haHAaa.. theY sO touChed.. fiNalliE maRried lE.. suCh a cutE coupLe~ wiSh theM haVe a bLisSful maRriaGe.. goT manY maNy cHiLdrEn.. hEez..
weNt to e fiSh shoP den ask y mY fiSh liKe daT lohz.. deN theY saE mY fiSh keNa iNterNaL baCteRia dE duNno waD.. deN haVe tO buY e medicine or waD baHz.. cosT mE $7 leh!! buT.. foR mY fiSh.. wO yuaN yi.. haHAax.. hAixx hoPefully caN reCoveR lohz.. eLse iTz goNna diE oF huNger lE.. eVer sinCe iT was liKe daT.. mY fiSh canT eaT leHz.. ke liaN hoRz?? mY heaRt bReaK... no moOd go on lE.. sO gueSs i goNna sTop foR nOw..
12:42 AM
Sunday, March 28, 2004
goiN thRu eMotioNal traUma
havE beEn gOiN' thRu eMotionaL trauMa foR 1 whoLe daE le.. aNd expeRienCed anotHer daE oF weT pillow.. anD.. cOnsecuTivE 3 daEs oF loSing sLeep.. siGhz.. wheN can i stoP feeLin' like diS? i
HATE diS feeLing.. siMpLy haTe it.. buT i haVe to faCe iT.. sEems tO bE a waLking coRpsE todaE..
hOw i wisH i couLd geT baCk e lifE i onCe haD.. befOre hE eNtered mY lifE..
CAN I HAVE IT BACK??? i jUz wanT my lifE baCk..
1:18 AM
Saturday, March 27, 2004
havE beeN dOin my OPSY prOject e whoLe daE... siAnzz.. siMpLy
NO LIFE.. guesS i'll haVe tO foRgeT hiM.. anD geT oN wiF mY lifE.. ntH tO uPdate abouT.. juz fEeLiN' sO siaNz till coMe bLog a whiLe.. might upDate laTer...
7:32 PM
The Dae When I
hAixX.. jUz broKe up wif hiM.. yeA.. u diDn't sEe wroNgLy..
BROKE UP.. gaVe up diS relatiOnshiP whiCh i heLd so deaR to me.. xTremeLy sad now.. but.. still gonna bLog anywaE..
slept laTe laSt nite.. cOz i worRy foR my fiSh mahz.. deN.. caNt geT to sLp.. heNg goT raphaeL pEi~ hEez.. yaR.. a greAt freN loHz.. heaR mE being loh sOh.. letTing hiM noE i sO damN sad.. deN hE kEep 'o o oOo orRR ooORr K loH'.. lOlz.. thinK u all also dun undeRstaNd.. i undeRstand caN liaox.. haHAa.. yaR.. sO.. hunG up e fonE at abt 2.30am.. den waS starinG e cEiling till abt 3am liKe dat beforE fiNalliE dRiftiNg oFf to dReamLand...
sms-ed raPhaeL to ask iF he goT 5566 dE laSt yeaR concerT dE vCd lOhz.. deN hE goT.. deN saE neXt moNdae paSs tO mE.. waS latE foR OPSY tutorial..
=X deN haD dbMs dE praC.. waS sitTing aT e laSt rOw!! firSt timE siT laSt roW foR diS praC.. hEez.. waSnt realliE iN e mOod at dat time.. cOz.. yea.. u shLd have gueSsed it.. my fiSh.. hAixXx.. buT soOn aftEr dat i oK le loHz.. weNt to e usuaL fC.. fC6 to haVe our lunCh afteR dat praC.. sPotTed daT yaNdaO whO alwaEs samE traiN aS mE anD saNsan dE.. heEz.. hE aLwaEs pLay poKer..
-.-"' aS iF hE caN onLie pLay poKer iN fC.. deN ireNe and cHeryL sPotTed a gUy whO's so
gU niAng goDs!! tHinK i shaNt saE abT hiM heRe..
haD vB leCture afteR dat.. deN wE saW e geR whiCh keL liKes.. den sya and summer so yOng gaN.. aPproaCh tO noe her and noE stuFfs.. beZ thinG iS.... theY gOt heR nuMber!! and her naMe is jaNice loHz.. niCe naMe hoRz? nO woNder shE looks prEtTy aLso.. soMetimeS i tHinK e naMe of daT peRsoN will aFfeCt daT lOok of daT peRsoN... aNd mosT of e ppl weRe teAsing hiM.. deN.. fiNallie.. mY turN liaO.. coz theY saW wEiqiaNg waLkiN' ovEr..
-.-"' deN mE paiseH.. sO waLk awaY loHz.. yaRr.. aS e leSsoN eNded earLie.. sO wE waited outsidE T1752.. deN suDdenLy dat wEiqiaNg waLk towaRds mY cLaSs.. deN theY wEre shOuting "jinLing" anD "XiaO qiaNg"
-.-"' deN i ruN awaY laioz.. ahHAaa.. cOz i shy mahz.. maKe mY faCe sO reD.. sO weNt tO e bench siT siT a whiLe deN waLk aRd beforE goiNg baCk.. suDdenLy thoughT abT shaUn... anD my fiSh loHz.. so woRried for dis 2 thoughTs.. aFraiD oF loSing bOth oF 'eM.. theY'Re iMpt to mE iN my lifE.. deN wheN i goT baCk.. tHinK my group of freNz bU shuaNg mE bAhz.. deN i alsO gibe 'eM bLack faCe.. ahaha.. noT b'coz theY maKe me pAiseh.. bUt coz i saD maHz.. deN nO onE aSk y alsO.. sO.. foRget it lohz.. fiNished e lessoN den toOk traiN hoMe
waS silencE all e waY tiLL saNsan aLighTed.. mE and qiuYi toK lohz.. deN shE saE dat wEiqianG u-turN baCk e moMent hE saW he waLk awaY.. sO cutE siA.. hahAa.. aH.. lufF a whiLe deN shE aSk mE waD's botHerin mE deN i toLd heR waD's botHerin mE.. anD i cRieD oN e sPoT!!!
AGAIN!! 3rd time for e dae liao.. hAizz.. wheNever i thinK oF anY oF e 2.. mY teaRs will find theiR own waY ouT.. hAixx.. deN suDdenLy haD e urGe tO go waLk walk dowN orChard.. diDnt aSk saNsaN noR qiuYi cOz theY look sO tireED.. sO calleD raPhaeL again.. but hE doiN projeCt.. aT firSt duN wanna sae y i call hiM.. buT aFter he forCe mE saE.. deN i sAe noR.. deN haNg uP liaoz... sO.. deCided to waLk hoMe aLonE.. sLowLy... waS waLking iN e raiN.. sO.. mY fLu kindA wOrseN lE baHz.. saW my fiSh caN swiM a biT lE.. thiNk iT waS iNjureD lE bahz.. aNd yeT i duNno!! hAizZz.. buT iF iT's nOT leaVing me so soOn deN i happiE lE.. heEz.. fEel tirEd liaO deN cRy tO sLeEp lohz.. duE tO hiM(shauN) lahz.. woKe uP fEeLing beTta..
tRied mY laPtOp's WAN and i can use iT!! hahaa.. nOw i'M usinG noR.. noT bad laHz.. buT.. iF i didn't usE diS.. pRob i wouldnt haVe losT diS relatioNshiP? cOz.. i'vE deCided noT tO anSwer anY of hiS calls for 1 wk staRting froM thuRsdae.. aNd nOw.. i'vE toLd hiM nOT to call mE anYmorE.. duN wanNa heAr hIS voicE.. duN wanNa heaR aNythinG abT hiM.. duN wanna reMembeR daT i'vE haD a chancE tO noE diS guY.. duN wannA remembeR abT anythiNG abT diS guY.. whO broKe mY heaRt iNtO millioNs oF pieCes.. diS guY.. whO wouLdnt aDmiT daT it waS hiS mIStaKe anD blameD it oN me...
anywaY.. cHeryl anD saNsan realliE aDded wEiqianG iN fRiendsteR le.. anD i aDded him toO.. anD hE aDded me iN msn!! lOlx.. k la.. he chaT till so kE ai lohz.. aiya.. nO mood liao.. pRob wuN bE bLogging for e next fEw daes? seE firsT k..
Till then.....................................................................................................................
1:49 AM
Friday, March 26, 2004
last nite discovered dat one of my fish float on the water.. but it's still breathing.. struggling.. e look of it makes my heart
BREAK guess i'll not blog till i feel betta.. and.. i quarreled wif my dear juz b'coz of dis.. haizZz.. dun sae liao lahz.. no mood le.. oh ya.. rapHael thaNx ah.. laSt nite pei mE toK toK~
12:25 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
You're a Dream GF!
You're a definite keeper. You're not needy or clingy and you're almost as much fun to be around as one of the guys! You know exactly how much space your guy needs and how to keep your own groove on while in a relationship.
1:21 PM
Monday, March 22, 2004
fEeLing rEgreTfuL
jUz reAd jaS' bLog.. fEeL kinDa saD for heR.. cOz eveN thouGh they'vE broKen uP.. buT "hE" sTill tReatS heR daMn gOod loHz... thOugh theY've bRokeN uP foR quitE long le.. buT theY'rE sTill verY goOd freNz loHz.. buT "hE" haS fouNd anothEr geRfreN lE... caN u iMagiNe how sad my freN iS?!?! tHough hE saEs daT HE duN wanNa huRt e oNe hE loveS mosT.. buT hE's hurTing her
VERY DEEP nOw loHz... nOw.. i'M noT iN goOd mooD tOo.. duNno y.. wheNeveR i reaD heR bLog abT e sTufFs beTweEn heR and "hE" eVer sincE theY broKe uP.. i'll feeL saD fOR her... shOuldn'T haVe encourAged heR to aCcePt "him" yeaRs aGo... i reGret... i rEgRet........
11:58 AM
Sunday, March 21, 2004
mY thouGhts.. mY miNd's iN a wHirL...
diS iS mY 2nd posT oF e daE.. reMembeR tO sCroll dOwn =)
hAizZz... jUz goT tO noE daT mY couSiN iS leaVinG foR shanGhAi wiF hiS faMiLy... hE's gonna bE a peRmaNenT reSidenT theRe.. cOz hiS coMpanY iS seNdin' hiM theRe peRmaNentLy... anD daT iNcLudeS mY 2 lovabLe anD aDorabLe nePheWs... 2 oF mY nEpheWs whiCh i ("v") mosT... hAizZ... aNd daT iNcLudeS mY seCoNd uNcLe too.. =( mY nEpheWs goNna sTudY iN e iNterNatiOnaL sChooL theRe.. thEir sChOoL fEes aRe goNna sUbsidiSed bY hiS coMpanY.. whiCh maY gO uP aS hiGh aS thrEe huNdReD buCks!!! theY'rE goNna leAve siNgaporE foR shaNghai aFteR hUihui jiE's wEdDinG.. siGhzZ... goNna miSs 'eM LOTS maN... theY haVe eVen soLd theiR housE le!! iSn't iT faSt?!?!
sEems liKe so maNy ppL is leaVinG mE lE.. nOw daT iNcLudeS mY 2 nEpheWs le... e 2 whoM i'vE seEn 'eM gRow frOm jUz a nEw borN baBy.. tO aN iNfanT whO jUz leaRnt cRawLinG anD waLkin'.. tO a kiD whO jUz leaRnt hiS ABCs and 123s... anD nOw... onE oF 'eM iN pRimarY 1 anD anOtheR iN pRimarY 5's EM1...
lifE foR mE nOw iSn't daT sMoOth.. firSt iS mY MST... diDn't geT REAL good reSuLts dUe tO sLaCkiN' tOo muCh... daT i caN't deNy... buT.. mY reLatiOnshiP wiF mY deaR iSn't daT we|| tOo.. iZzit mE bEinG tOo seNsitiVe oR hiM? somEtimeS i'M thinKing.. diD i tRust hiM eNuFf? aM i rea||ie nOt sUitabLe foR haVinG a loNg-diStanCe reLatiOnshiP? wE've beEn qUare||inG tOo muCh theSe fEw daEs.. oR ratheR e paSt 2 wEeks.. tHouGh we'Re noT qUare||inG eV'rYdaE.. buT diS reLatioNshiP iS oN e roCks.. i'M tHinKinG.. wHetheR i caN saVe diS reLatiOnshiP.....
thOugh i'vE tRied verY haRd tO puT oN a sMiLe wheNeVer i meEt mY frEnz. buT somEtimeS.. i cOuLdn't hiDe iT.. iT's tOo muCh foR mE tO taKe iT... i duNnO hOw lonG caN i puT uP wiF... hOw caN i pull thRu diS... mY freNz.. iF i'M noT iN goOd mooD anD miGhT haVe oFfeNdeD u.. i'M soRriE.. i aPoLogiZe... tHouGh i noE i shouLd haVe coNtro||eD iT.. buT... i caN't taKe iT muCh lonGer.. i caNt... i canT...
tO mE.. reLatioNshiPs aRe liKe rOlleR coaSteRs... theY caN suDdenly *sHew* sO hiGh uP iN e sKy.. deN suDdenLY *sHew* aGaiN till sO lOw tO e grouNd.. buT tO mE.. iT's worSe deN jUz e grOund.. pRobabLy iT's uNdeRgrouNd...
8:24 PM
weNt foR saKae sushI bufFet wiF wEitinG, mEihui, cheRyL, reNa, suMmer, keL, branDon, cHun siAng, keNneth, raPhaeL, pinG yaNg anD wEishU.. 13 all oF uS.. heEz.. haD a veRy veRy
FULL lunCh + diNneR..
=X heEz..
aFter daT.. toOk buS tO pLaza siNgapurA tO waLk waLk whiLe raPhaeL leFt uS tO go hoMe firSt foR a whiLe den mEet uS laTer.. sO.. toOk buS 64 deN meEt daRreN aT e shOp besidE 7-11.. deN wE weNt in anD shOppinG.. lOlx.. waNna watCh moVie.. buT cOz iT'z wEekeNd deN wE gO quitE latE maHz.. sO noT muCh tiX lefT loHz.. deN wEitinG bouGht a toP iN saMueL anD keVin... aNd keNneth bouGht a cD iN musiC juncTioN...
leFt pLaza siNgapura deN waLk waLk aLonG orChard roaD.. weNt iN OG and otheRs lohZ... eHh.. raPhaeL jOineD uS aT heEreN de aNnex theRe baHz.. deN.. waLk waLk.. mE anD wEitinG bOught a paiR of eaRriNg eaCh..
=D deN.. cOz cHeryL wanNa sEe hOw raPhaeL loOk liKe w/O speCs.. sO i toOk hiS spEcs ouT loHz.. deN iN e enD hiS spEcs waS wiF mE fOr
SO LONG lOlx... hahAaaz.. hE onLiE goT iT froM mE wheN we'Re leaVinG loHz.. deN iT toOk quiTe a lonG tiMe foR hiM tO taKe iT baHz.. e founTaiN iN heEreN sO niCe!!! cOz i kEep loOkinG anD looKinG anD LooKinG.. lOlx.. cOz e waTeR suDdenLy shoOt uP sO hiGh.. deN sudDenLy dRoP tO e gRouNd... deN e liGhtinGs sO niCe.. hOw i wiSh i caN bRinG iT hoMe wiF mE..
waLked arouNd for a whiLe beforE all e girLs and keNneth anD daRreN leFt... deN onLie pinG yaNg, cHun siAnG anD raPhaeL gO pLay pOol baHz... aSked onE oF 'eM tO heLp mE buY baRcarDi liMe(an aLcoHoliC dRinK) heEz..
3:02 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2004
ahHAa.. nOw haVinG weB graPhic.. deN nOw kindA siaNzz.. sO dO e qUizzZ..
You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer
to have a good look on situations.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
2:58 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
hAixX.. paSt fEw daes daMn suCky.. duN sae lE..
*siGhz.. shAkes heAd*
weNt to caUseway's courTs to seArch for a laPtop loHz.. waS all aLonE..
*siGhxXx* aCtually goT aSK qiuyI to pEi mE de.. buT shE not fRee lohZ.. calleD tingwei.. buT heR diNner timE iS uP lE.. caLled keNneth but hE oN hiS waY tO dunNo wheRe le.. laStly.. caLLeD raPhaeL.. buT hE sTill in sChoOl..
wAd a daE.. yEa.. so deCided to gO alonE.. thoUgh duN daRe to aSk abt aNythiNg.. buT i'll trY my beSt loHz.. sAw 3 laPtoPs niCe niCE!! goT onE iS veRY liGht de.. e otHer iS goT mOdem iNside lE.. e otheR iS aCeR fErRari!! haHAaz.. daT onE daMn zAi.. pLay gaMe surE verY niCe gRaphiCs anD all thosE dE!!! buT toO xpEnsivE liaOxx.. sO i neVa considEr daT.. afTer daT.. chaTted wiF tiNgwEi anD beRniCe till quitE laTe lohZ.. abT 7pm bAhz... deN fiNally
hoMe sWeEt hoMe
Tuesdae.. Yesterdae..
sTayeD in coM laB afTer neTworKing prAc tO usE coM.. deN mE and iRene werE lOokiNg aT eNeRgY's NYP concErt dE piCs loHz.. taKen bY NYP de pHotogRaphY cLub.. dEcideD tO orDeR a coUple oF piCs froM 'eM.. kUnda sO shUai~~~
=D aFter toRo.. hE's e otheR guY i liKe.. haHAaz.. yA.. den waNna coNtacT yiZhen to heLp me oRder e piCs.. buT couLdn't coNtaCt heR.. sO thiNk i goNne call hEr agaiN todAe.. hEez.. diSturB raPhaeL a biT befOre wE leaVe e coM laB aT abT 4.45pM likE daT bahz.. canT reMembeR e tiMe cLearLy thOugh.....
Wednesdae.. Todae...
nOw iN coM laB aGaiN.. haHAa.. buT noW fiNish cLaSs lE..
=X aCtually claSs ended VERY early.. abT 12pM lohz.. buT e leCturer xtEnded e tuToriaL foR 1 hR baHz.. yaA.. deN nOw heRe tyPing bLoggiE aNd sUrfiNg neT.. goNna haVe poLy 50 laTer.. mY teAm goNna ruN foR 30kM!!! iMagiNe daT..! buT wE'll tRy ouR beSt..
hEez.. mY teAm coNsisT oF qiUyi.. sYa.. keLviN.. bRandoN.. wEnjiE.. aLviN.. muHd.. jaHa.. oRange.. anD laSt buT nOT leAsT mE loHz.. aLthouGh i haVing coLd lA.. buT oNe of e reServE reFusE to ruN loHz..
-.-"' sO.. bObiaN.. i haVe to ruN.. hAixXx...
oH ya.. kNew soMeonE whO doEsn't kEep hiS woRds.. soMeonE whO beTrayeD mE.. toLd otheRs aboUt soMethiNg i duN wanNa too maNy ppL tO noE.. iNsteAd.. hE gavE 'eM hiNts!!! damN hiM.. tHink i'M neVa goNna tell diS iDioT anythIng abT mY seCrets oR wAd lE.. reGreTted noEiNg daT kindA guY.. aNd gueSs i wuN saE whO iS diS eveN iF anYonE aSks.. cOz.. i'M neVa goNna tRust anYonE lE......
1:38 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
haHAx.. paisEh aRh.. cOz i rEalliE haBe no tiMe to typE bLoggiE bLoGgieE~~
heRe's mY paSt onE wEek..
Went for my 1st MST paper!! NETF.. siGhz.. a biT diSapPoinTeD loHz.. coZ.. ehH.. quitE diFficuLt laHz.. kindA haRd tO tackLe? bUt.. haHAa.. mosT oF iT i goT gLancE thrU befoRe.. gEt it ritE.. "GLANCE" thru onliE..
=X lOlx.. yaR.. sO.. sLackeD iN coM laB till it'S timE beforE procEeDing to e 2Nd papEr.. vB prAc teSt.. i didN't eVen reVisE foR diS teSt.. cOz.. wE caN reFer to praCticaLs anD teXtboOk.. sO.. wAd foR sTudY?? lOlx.. no laHz.. aCtually iS i lazY..
=p hMm.. yeA.. suRviveD thrU e wHole thiNg.. thaNk goOdneSs iT's coNsidEred quite eaSy loHz.. buT e laSt paRt oF e prOgraM.. i waS sTucK theRe fOr morE deN 45 miNs!! jUz couldn't geT it righT.. onliE reMembeReD wAd loOp i couLd usE wheN i waLked ouT of daT doOr..
*aRgh!!!* foRgeT iT~ iT's ovEr aNywaE..
weNt hoMe.. waTcheD a loT of tV shOws.. befOre fiNallie haVe e mood tO studY aT 10.. haHAx.. yeA.. deN.. aFter daT.. weNt to watCh wEstsidE stoRy wheN iT's tiMe.. aNd haHAa.. sTudieD aGaiN... till abT quitE laTe baHz.. prOb abT.. 2aM? yaRr.. thiNk sO..
haD my OPSY onLine qUiz.. aCtually e paPer quitE diFficuLt de nOr.. buT i maNagEd tO "bReeZe" thrU iT.. lOlz.. yaR.. luCky i paSseD!!
yeA!! thOugh i'M onE oF e luCky onEs whO paSsed.. buT.. mosT oF eM aLso neArLy paSseD maHz.. sO.. huRhuR.. noT baD noT baD.. tHinK i goT 54.75 baHz.. foRgoT liaOz.. buT.. aS loNg aS i goT paSs caN liaO.. cOz.. i diDn'T reaLLie sTudY foR diS..
wENt to jurOng dE maC tO maKan breaKfast pLus lunCh.. shuN biaN sTudy foR nxT daE's paPer.. DBMS.. xpLained to saNsan abT soMe oF heR doubTs deN.. sTayed therE till aBt 2pM deN we go pLay aRcadE lE!! lOlx.. yaR.. wE're botH pLayfuL..
=p aFter all tHose gaMes.. weNt tO poH kiM aNd i bouGht 2 vCds.. "My Sassy Girl" and "The Death Curse" iT's buY onE gEt onE fReE neH~ verY huA suaN hoR..
=X yaRr.. sO.. u all shLd haVe gueSseD iT baHz.. wheN i reAch hoMe.. sTraighTawaY watCh "The Death Curse".. quitE a laMe shOw.. soMetimeS sCary noR.. buT noT DAT scaRy baHz.. deN.. wenT to haVe a naP till 7 pLus.. hEez.. deN watCh tV beforE sTudyiNg a biT deN sTarT watCHing "My Sassy Girl" de fiRst diSc.. befOre haviNg mY beautY sleEp..
hAd my laSt papeR DBMS.. hmM.. a biT haRd.. a biT eaSy.. aiYa.. duNno hoW to saE lahz.. weNt to oRchaRd wiF weitiNg aNd saNsan and qiUyi.. qiUyi wanNa buY prEzziEs foR heR freNz' birtHdae.. sO.. wE procEed to faR eaSt.. buT fiRSt.. wE go maKan firSt.. all oF us wEre huNgrY!! weNt to saKura reStauraNt tO havE ouR lunCh~ Shared piNeappLe riCe wiF saNsan noR.. deN i shuN biaN oRder theiR niCe nicE de leMon teA~ yaR.. aFter lunCh deN walK aRd tO sEe wAd tO buY.. iN e enD shE alsO teMptEd to buY a sLinG baG foR heRseLf.. lOlzz.. aLwaEs liKe daT dE..
wheN iT's tiMe foR qiUyi to leAve to mEet heR freN aT yishUn.. e reMaininG 3 oF us weNt to taKe neOpriNt.. hEez.. aFter daT deN wE waiT foR buS 171 to go tHe heEreNs aS it waS raiNinG cAts and doGs.. waiTed quitE loNg till iT fiNalliE caMe!! boaRdeD aNd aLighTed deN gO foR KTV!!! saNg foR 3 hRs!! sO aVeRage eV'ryonE saNg foR 1 hR eaCh loHz.. hEez.. siNg till sO soNg siA.. deN sorTa haD a miSundErstaNdinG.. suPposEd to bE onLiE $26.. buT iN e enD e bill caMe iS $45.40!! waD e heCk~~ yaRr.. duN waNna saE abT iT.. wE neaRly caNnoT gO hoMe lEhz.. cOz wE onliE haVe jUz enuFf $$ tO paY..
aFter ouR IWGD lesSon.. weNt to fC6 foR snaCks.. yaRr.. haHAa.. wAs quitE huNgrY mahz.. cOz i aTe fRuiTs foR lunCh onLie..
=p sAw laRina aNd yUhui theRe.. aNd i wAs liKe..
o.O quitE suRprisEd noR.. wenT to toK wiF 'eM awHiLe aFter eAtinG mY dA baO..oH yA.. mY dA baO dRoP oN e tabLe suDdenLy wheN i eAting haLfwaE leHz!! sAd!! deN waS deCidinG wheRe to gO beforE meEting irEne.. iN e eNd wE deCided tO go juRong's aRcadE tO plaY deN wE also call pY to gO aloNg foR e sTeaMboaT laTer oN.. begaN tO plaY till iT's tiMe to go beforE calliNg pY to giBe him a call tO wakE him uP..
oN e mrT.. suddenly got onE guY caMe ovEr to sell his peRfume.. e sMell quitE nicE leHz.. buT too baD mE anD saNsan nO $$ lohz.. oR elSe i buY lE.. goOd baRgaiN lEhz.. 2 bOttleS fOR $25.. gOod baRgaiN hoR?? irEne aLighTeD at coMmoNweaLth.. deN shE giMme and saNsan eaCh a lOllipOp.. hEez.. sO gOod oF heR~ slaCked aT citY hall mrT iNteRchangE befoRe bOaRdinG anotHer tRain to maRina.. wE were e fiRst to reaCh theRe.. followeD bY suMmer, braNdon, weNjiE and keLvin, aNd den chaRinE anD mEizheN.. dEn.. chUN siaNg caMe aloNe.. AND den.. keNneth aNd aLviN.. anD laSt bUt noT leASt.. e laTest onE.. raPhaeL..
pY reAcheD iN tiMe to boaRd e buS to E zheN fA theRe.. boArded liaO den e 15 oF us weRe sePeratEd iNto 3 tabLes.. keL, braN, weNjiE, suMmer aNd heNche(whO caMe laTer) 1 tabLe.. sAnsan, irEne, kEnNeth, rAphaEl, mE aNd wEishU(whO caMe latEr tOo) 1 tabLe.. anD e reSt oF 'eM 1 tabLe.. wE aTe quitE a loT noR.. deN somEthinG veRY fuNniE haPpeN.. goT 1 praWn juMpeD froM e souP tO hEnchE's
SPRITE!! haHAa..
INSTANT DEATH soMemorE e prAwn sTraighTawaY becoMe sTraiGht siA.. lOlx.. eVryoNe likE.. peNg lohZ.. haHAa.. deN keNnetH aND raphaEl help mE anD saNsan anD ireNe tO peEl praWns.. hEez..
*tHx huH~* yaR.. iF noT foR 'eM.. i wuN haVe e chaNcE tO eAt prAwnS lE..
=X deN wE sorTa goT coOk foR eAch otHer lohZ.. deN i wenT to aRcadE wheN i verY full lE..
@ arD 10.30 wheN ireNe waNna leAve lE deN wE gO lE noR.. deN heNche bRoughT eV'rYonE tO gO c e
"moVing sToNe" iN e eNd afTer CS saE laSt traiN liaO.. eVryoNe weNT wiF hiM xCepT raPhael, braNdon, wEnjiE anD heNchE.. heNche shOwed 'em deN theY all ruN towArds uS.. u shLd haVe sEen theiR faCE!! all loOked sO..
*eRheM* thiNk i shaNt saE.. mosT proB theY saW e sToNe moviNg loHz.. deN taKe traiN all e waY hoMe lE.. reAched hoMe laTe.. buT luCky muM anD daD neVa sCoLd mE.. heEez
weNt tO saNsan's hsE tO usE heR laPtoP tO dO mY NETF aSsignmEnt whiCh iS duE diS wK.. maNaged tO dO e fiRst qN.. buT 2nD qN duN undeRstaNd sO neVa realliE do loHz.. weNt hoMe aT abT 6.45pm? yaRr.. thiNk sO.. deN sTarTed watChinG "All In" loHz.. soRta cHioNg diS shoW liaOz.. lalaLAlalaa..
iNtenDed tO buY a laPtoP foR myseLf.. sO.. pRob goNna aSk aRd waD braNd's laPtoP iS goOd.. cOz.. nO reaSoN.. jUz waNna haVe a laPtoP sO daT mY siS neEd noT quArreL wiF mE ovEr mY coM..
3:16 PM
Monday, March 08, 2004
hAizzz... my sis gonna leave me for 5 daes for OBS!!! *cRieSss normally she leave me for 3 daes onlie.. but dis time.. it's 5 daes!! ARGH!!! hoe can i survive w/o my dear sis by my side??? oh my oh my.. this coming 5 daes will be a TOUGH time for me..
i'm revisin my networkin now.. haizz.. my mind's explodin soon.. although i'm not so scared though.. but a voice deep down in my heart is tellin me to keep study.. tellin me to be hardworkin.. even though i'd like to sleep and rest now.. sighz.. should i continue? or should i not??
1:11 AM
Sunday, March 07, 2004
hei hEi~~ few daes neva update le.. miss my dear bLoGgie wOrx >.<
Was studying for e past few daes.. so tired.. *tirEdz* was studying wif Sansan, Kenneth, Weishu and Raphael at Woodlands Regional Library on wednesdae.. hMmz.. revised e whole module: Operating Systems.. wOohooO!! shEn qi huH? haHAax.. i fiNd it unbelievabLe too.. =p yaRr.. den.. sTudieD at juroNg de maC oN botH thursdae and fRidae.. oN thurSdae wAS wif Sansan and Ping Yang and Kenneth.. oN fRidaE wAs wif Summer, Kenneth, Weishu, Ping Yang and Raphael lohz.. Quite a big group huh.. But nevatheless.. we could study!! surprisinG huh?? hHAhaaz.. on e other hand.. i couldn't sTudy on thursDae.. noE y?? cOz... e otheR 3 oF 'eM weRe so nOisY!!! -.-"' deN enD uP kenneth left us to meet his fren at JP den e 3 of us went up to e arcade to play.. =X spent $2 there.. lOlx..
Kkekee.. enuff of dat.. hMmz.. Saw "All In" de vcd out at 1 of e VCD store le!! Den i sorta tempted to buy.. =D but.. $$ probz lohz.. haiz.. coz dis wk wanna buy e bag which i saw in e pasar malam.. verY cutE nehz~ sOooo.. gueSs i'll bE buYiNg daT baG witHin diS few daes.. aNd den.. e vCd will coMe neXt probabLy neXt wK baHz.. sumMer was ratHer excitEd wOrz.. deN shE waNt me quick quicK buY daT vCd.. lOlx.. sO cute sIa shE.. eVen saE iF i noT eNufF $$ shE leNd me firsT.. cOz i heR gaN nU eR maHz.. duN waNnA c mE reSistiNg tempTatiOn.. *peNgz*
1:40 AM
Saturday, March 06, 2004
yOohoo!! change of layout!!! rather cute horx? heEz.. dis layout was done by my sis de frenz.. great huh?
*tHumbS uP*
4:53 PM
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Got to see my dear dear whole dae yesterdae!!! juMps aRounD siNginG haLLeLuYaH coz.. her sis came to my hse.. den brought her laptop along den lemme use her laptop de webcam to see him!! heez.. thAnx cHarLoTte~ heEz.. yea.. so.. he was sort of making sure dat i'm studying.. den halfway thru i got run here and there to do other stuffs lahz.. hahaa.. dun reallie have e mood to study lohz.. =X yea.. so.. decided to do my IWGD assignment though.. hmMz.. yarr.. so he was sort of looking at my "production".. hahaaz.. though it's simple.. but i spent onlie abt 1hr or not even dat long to do it.. Lolz.. didnt expect it though.. think i still left wif 1 web banner to do bahz... =)
Went out to celebrate Summer(a.k.a my gan ma) de birthdae!!! yea.. met Qiuyi at 12.30 at Sembawang de MRT.. she board e train wif her dear Raymond nor.. yea.. and he alighted at Yishun.. reached Orchard liao den found out e 2 of us were e earliest!! and we waited for e rest till very pekchek.. esp kel and brand and sya.. they reached at 1.30pm -.-"'
went to Far East to have our lunch.. Henche met us there.. den i had e Hotplate Seafood E-mian!! my fav~ hEez.. yea.. had a great meal.. and e meal is Henche pay for us de.. he treat us to dat meal.. wOohoO~~ oh ya.. and he was wearing a t-shirt wif "Sex Slave" on it.. Lolz.. All of us see liao all luff till peng sehz.. hahaaa.. Raphael met us when we were shopping ard.. and when we were walking along Orchard Road.. he was trying to cover e "Sex Slave" wif his hands.. Lolz.. in e end.. he cannot tahan liao so he go to Samuel & Kevin to buy a t-shirt and change into it straightaway.. LOL... ya.. on e way to Plaza Singapura.. Sya left us.. coz she's meeting other ppl lohz...
reached plaza Singapura liao den decided to catch a movie.. and we finally decided to watch "Something's Gotta Give" yarr.. den.. k lohz e show.. seems like itz based on a true story like dat.. sounds real.. and looks real too.. after e show.. went to music plaza and bought another piano pieces de book.. containin songs likes "Jian Ao" and "Chun Zai" yea.. almost all my fav songs lahz.. alwaes cant resist e temptation whenever i step into dis shop.. since e first time i entered.. ahhahaa.. after dat den me and summer send qiuyi to B2 de MRT station nor.. yea.. den went back to e arcade to find e rest of e guys..
Raphael and Kelvin were as usual playing KOF lohz.. den.. Henche and Muhd got try to challenge Kelvin.. but unsuccessful.. but when Summer went to challenge him.. WAH!!.. o.O she won him nehz~!!! den when he found out le.. he damn paiseh nor.. den he bu fu qi.. so he go change another 2 tokens to challenge her back.. hahaha.. but dis time round.. Summer slack liao.. den Kelvin won lohz.. so he continued playing.. but after dat.. e guy who was playing beside Kelvin.. went to e other side to challenge him.. OH NO!! Kelvin lost.. den we thought we finallie can go makan dinner liaoz.. but who noes.. Muhd was playing e Tennis game and Raphael was playing e soccer game.. -.-"' and somemore he's playing e team "YukiChan United" hahaa.. which was those cute characters running around wif e soccer ball.. got snowman.. penguin.. ahhhaa.. looks so damn cute.. but kinda lame lohz.. yarr.. den after they finish playing liao den decided to go Lau Pa Sat to eat dinner
met Cheryl at Raffles Place de MRT.. den we proceed to Lau Pa Sat... they ordered e BBQ seafood to eat lohz.. yar.. den i onlie noe how to eat 1 out of 4 dishes.. kua zhang rite?! hahaa.. they ordered Kang kong.. Stingray.. Sotong.. Cockles.. but.. i onlie noe how to eat stingray.. pathetic horz.. but e stingray reallie too hot liao.. i cannot take it.. so eat a few bites den neva eat liao.. den e rice i also cant eat it liaoz.. doesnt taste delicious enuff.. so went to buy durian ice kacang.. den... sighz.. start to stomachache liao.. coz whenever i eat too much chilli.. or too hot liao.. i will start having stomachache.. idiot de.. den after dat everyone went to buy dessert also.. Lolz.. after eating everything liao den we go home le nor..
was quiet all e way on e train coz i stomachache mahz.. den keep listen to brandon and kelvin toking nor.. yar.. all e way till i reach home.. stomach still pain pain wor.. >.< den dear dear sorta scold me lohz.. coz he sae my dinner bu hua suan.. coz i eat so little.. hafta pay $6.. den e rest eat so much.. also pay $6 lohz.. den hor.. he scold me go eat hot hot de food.. =( den he keep tell me go drink warm milk.. drank le.. but still kinda pain lohz.. till now still pain.. *cRieSss*
duNno y.. suddenly thought of my grandpa.. haizz.. still remember e words he told me before his last breath.. i wun forget e times when u piggyback me when i was young.. u would neva fail to make me happie whenever i cry or throw a tantrum.. and everyone said dat i was e hardest to handle among all my cousins.. but u neva throw ur temper at me.. guess i'm e granddaughter dat u love e most? hmm.. ah gong.. i wun forget u de.. rest in peace okie?? i will keep my promise to at least get a diploma and realise all e promises which i made to u.......................
2:22 AM